So ...

After clicking the submit button, you'll see a newly created temporary login link:

And all you have to do, is to copy the link and share it with anyone you want to have access. The link will take them directly into the admin area (without any login interface).

And of course, the temporary account will automatically expire after the time period you selected.

Cool, isn't it?

OK. One more thing ...

Obviously, the plugin will allow you to manage the existing temporary logins. If you acess Users => Temporary Logins, you'll see a list with all the temporary logins created by you.

You'll ba able to see the last login date and the time remaining till the given account expires. But more importantly, you have an "Actions" column, where you can expire a login before its expiry:

Note: once a temporary account is permanently deleted, all the content created by that given user will show the valid "regular" administrator account as the author.

And that's it my friends!

If you have any comments, further questions or update requests please don't hesitate to react! Like, comment and share!

And don't forget, you can easily come back to this tutorial whenever you want.

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dowj01 Premium
Awesome little plugin (and tutorial).
Thanks for sharing.
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time Justin!
lesabre Premium
Thanks Zed
smartketeer Premium
Thank YOU!
FKelso Premium
This one definitely looks useful to me. I could have used it a couple of times recently. Thanks for the info.
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time Fran!
keishalina Premium
interesting -- reminds me of the temporary alarm system log-in for guest visitors or contractors -- same idea, i guess ...

thanks kindly for all you do & share, cheerio ... ⭐️🎈
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the feedback Keisha :)
keishalina Premium
you're most welcome ZZZ! ... :)
smartketeer Premium
robbie101 Premium
Such a useful tool :)
Thank you for sharing
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time and the feedback Robin!