So ...

Upon activation, you need to go to Post Grid => New Post Grid to create a new grid layout.

First, you'll need a name:

Next, select the "Query Post" to define how do you want the plugin to retrieve the posts for display.By default the plugin will display your posts, but you can also select pages or custom post types:

And you'll be able to define other additional options like post status, number of posts per page, query order, excluded posts etc.

Next, go to the "Layout" tab to select how you would want to display your grid. Define your content layout (flat, flat center, etc) and choose a skin for your template. Just hover your mouse over a skin and you'll see how it works ...

Additionally, you can also click the edit button which will open a layout editor screen where you can create your own layouts if you want.

Next, go to the "Layout Settings" tab. You'll see a lot of different options and you can freely play around with these settings to find the best fit for your needs. The most important option here is the "Grid Items Width" setting which will define the total width of your grid on desktop, tablets and mobile. The default settings should work fine for most of sites, but if your grid layout doesn't fit on your page, this is where you can fix that:

Finally, Select the "Navigation" tab to select your pagination style and once you are done, click the "Publish" button.

OK. Now let's see the magic ...

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CandP Premium
Excellent, Zed! We are saving this one to use. You are such a vast source of information for us all. We so appreciate you!
smartketeer Premium
Thank you my friends!
Sorayacge Premium
This is another great help and something on my get-round-to-it list, so it will now be much sooner as I don't have to do any research! Thanks Zed!
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the feedback Soraya!
dowj01 Premium
That looks really cool. Thanks for the tutorial.
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time!
FKelso Premium Plus
Looks good -- you see, you are not running out of ideas yet.
smartketeer Premium
I said slowly :)
jlclayton1 Premium
I use a static home page and a short code that produces a blog roll on it, but I like the looks of this grid much better. I'm going to swap to this grid plugin and see how it works--thank you so much!
smartketeer Premium
Give it a try Janelle!

Let me know how it works :)
jlclayton1 Premium
This plugin works great, and I like the way the grid is displayed on my site!
smartketeer Premium
Glad to hear that!