6. Making sure it's keyword-related
Your keyword-related domain name is a combination of two or more words that is related to the niche of your blog. And this enhances your SEO rather than choosing just a name that is not related to your blog niche.
Though it's not a taboo to use a combination of words that is not related to your blog niche, it affects your ranking potential in search engines. It definitely impacts your URL's appearance potential in search results.
The same goes to your business name or the title of your blog. It's better to choose a blog name that will enhance your SEO. You must try and make your business name keyword-optimized.
7. Considering the trademark and copyright perspective
This is the aspect most bloggers didn't realize about blogging. Most people just blog around, not minding the copyright and trademark protection for their business. In the event that you're trading with a business name that belongs to another person or company, either in your home country or in a location abroad, there are legal rights that protect anyone whose registered name is operated with under a different umbrella.
And if such a business or company, whose name is the same as that which you chose, is found to have registered that very name before you started your own business, you can be sued under legal rights for such an action.
It may be quite difficult to keep doing research about which blog has been operating with your business name, but there are trademark and copyright electronic search tools that may help you find out easily and quickly so as to avoid the embarrassment of getting sued by another company.
I also look for the previous history of the domain and I use the Wayback Machine for that. https://archive.org/
If the domain has recently been used, I avoid it.
I also try to find a domain that is available as a username on social media.