Canonical tags, otherwise known as rel=canonical, are used to guide search engines on specific URLs that indicate the main copy of a page. In other words, canonical tags tell the search engine crawler the version of a URL that a website owner prefers to appear on the search engine result page (SERPs). This might sound very trivial, but it's a major ingredient for SEO rankings

Canonical tags help to prevent problems that might be caused by duplicate or identical content that appears on different URLs.

Do Canonical Tags Really Matter?

Duplicate or similar content is a complex subject that affects SEO rankings. Now, you are probably thinking why would anyone even think of duplicating a page? Here is the point; search engine crawlers see every unique URL as a page.

For example; if your canonical URL is, Google will understand that the other ones such as and are all duplicates.

This will tell the search engine crawlers that you want to be assessed and indexed for ranking, ignoring the other URLs. I hope you got it now!

Canonical tags are also used for the cross-domain. For instance, if you decide to republish content on to another website, simply add a cross canonical to tell Google that is the original version.

Lots of SEO problems are caused when search engine crawlers go through different URLs that have identical or very similar content. This is because search engine crawlers might miss some of the unique content on your site.

Furthermore, large-scale duplication may decrease your SEO ranking potentials. And finally, search engine crawlers might select the wrong URL in place of the original, that's if your site content eventually ranks.

So, when you use canonical tags, it gives you full control of areas where you want the search crawlers to assess or avoid.

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MaryAnnMc Premium
Hi Israel. I find myself with issues and I believe it is to do with duplicate content (affiliate links that have been used in other posts). You said, "One of the quickest ways to fix SEO-related issues caused by duplicate content on a webpage is to set up canonical URLs."

Where do I find the Canonical Tool you refer to and does it tell you how to add/fix the issues?
Israel17 Premium
Most welcome, Wealth2018! The Canonical bar is provided for you below the post editor in WordPress. Let me know if you could find it.

Israel Olatunji
MaryAnnMc Premium
Well, I found it (it is under Advanced if anyone needs to know). Now I have to figure out how to use it :).

Mary Ann
Israel17 Premium
To ensure Google understands your canonical URL, use the structure below:
<link rel=“canonical” href=“” />

Make sure you don't use upper case URLs at all.

Israel Olatunji
MaryAnnMc Premium
Thank you so much, Israel. I appreciate your prompt reply and assistance.

Mary Ann
jmg52 Premium
Thank you Israel - such a useful information
Israel17 Premium
Glad you found this training informative, jmg52! I believed you use canonical tags in your blog content when needed and get indexed easily by search engine bots.

Israel Olatunji
JohaneG Premium
Lovely training.
Israel17 Premium
Much welcome onboard, JohaneG! The use of canonical tags is paramount to blogging, as it ensures that search engine crawlers identifies your content amongst the millions of blog posts being published to the web.

Israel Olatunji
JohaneG Premium
Thank you so much, Israel Olatunji.
CordeliaN Premium Plus
Thank you Israel, I had not a clue prior to reading your post...👀
It’s a useful piece of information
Israel17 Premium
You're most welcome, CordeliaN! You need to use canonical tags to make your content unique from that of others on the web. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
Parameter Premium
Hello Israel,

Thank you for another eye-opener

Israel17 Premium
Much appreciated, Ayodeji! You need to canonicalize your content to ensure that you don't cause any confusion for search engine crawlers in indexing your content. Thanks again!

Israel Olatunji