There are many things you can share here at WA that can gain you a referral, as long as it has your affiliate ID number at the end of the URL. However there are a few links you can share to get referrals that do NOT require your affiliate ID to be credited with a referral. Your WA profile page is one of them.
The above image of my WA profile page is how it would look to a non-WA member. Looks pretty much the same right? But there are some slight differences. For one it will say Login and Join Now in the upper right corner of the screen. Secondly over in the top left corner, the member’s image will be blank.
A non-WA member can now read your entire WA profile description. They will also have limited access, which I will explain in the upcoming pages. But for now, these non-members can scroll through reading your profile page. At approximately 15 seconds a Join WA popup will appear, see below image.
As seen above, this popup gives brief highlights of what is available to people who join WA. If they are not ready to join they can close the popup and continue reading your profile. If they decide to join at a later time and have not purchased a new computer or cleared the cookie cache, you still get the referral credit.
NEXT UP = What non-WA members have access to on your WA profile page