How Important is Your Choice of Keywords?

Your website could be your lifeline if you own a business today. SEO is a time-saving strategy that can help you rank higher in Google. Choosing the right keywords can make or break your business, so how do you choose? The first step is keyword research. This will help you understand what keywords are and which factors to consider.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research involves identifying the keywords that your target audience searches for when searching for products or services. You will find a lot of these keywords in the questions that people ask on Google. Check out these questions in the section on Google's first page under ‘People Also Ask and Related Searches.’ You can use this information to help guide your keyword strategy.

It is essential to avoid getting lost in your own ideas and missing out on the most popular keywords that your target audience searches for. You could find yourself competing against industry giants, a fight you can’t win even with a great strategy.

When you are doing keyword research or setting up your keyword strategy, there are many factors to consider. This tutorial will discuss your mission, audience, and competition.

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Zoopie Premium
Jay from Magi studios had some really good stuff about this as an add on to one of his training sessions a couple of days ago.
Great post
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
I will check it out Zoopie, thanks for letting me know.
muslimah Premium
Keywords research is vital as it gives us insight into exactly what people are searching for online.
Thank you, Lily.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome. We really can't reach our audience unless we get this right.
JKulk1 Premium
Keywords are still a very important part of the SEO process and you have summer it up beautifully. Thanks Lily. Jim
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
I'm pleased that it read well as I was so confused about this when I started here.
Lily 😆
JKulk1 Premium
You're not alone with that. Everytime I thought I understood Keywords I realised that I actually didn't.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Yes Jim and ever more to learn.
I'm finding it exciting that the mists of my own ignorance are starting to lift.

BrightSales Premium
I'm planning to start a new personal business friend. These useful information you've presented here as they are very well put together, will definitely be of great help. I'm saving this so that if I need to refresh my memory, I will refer back to it. Thanks for all you do. All the best!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are so very welcome.
Let me know if I can add anything that you don't understand.

quad80 Premium
This is helpful, thank you. /Jim
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Lovely to hear that Jim.
Lily 😁🎶