A need for speed

Before you start to look critically at other aspects that will keep you, readers, on your website. First, check your site speed, you should be doing this once a week as you add new content.

Don’t just look at the overall speed but click and update the speed on every article that you run on your website. This way if your total web speed is slow you can first fix any content that needs altering to speed it up.

You may find that in one of your new articles the pictures need to be compressed or downsized or a graph that you posted is slowing the load speed down. Once you have fixed the problems go back and check that article speed again.

Your goal is to have all of your articles loading in the green or over 90% section. This will mean that your overall website speed with being above 90 and in the green.

Check now, if it is excellent, then let’s move on.

Find your Site Speed

(Click on Websites in WA, look at your website Login, next to it is a View Details button, click on it. Scroll down until you see the Google page speed insights blue link, click on that to see your website loading speed. Come back to the previous page to click on each article to see the most recent speed.)

Do this once a week! Yes, this does take a little time but you need to know straight away. Don’t wait until you have 100 articles that need fixing.

It is usually my mobile picture sizes that slow my loading speed down and this is easily fixed with a plugin or manually making them as small as possible. Your mobile loading speed is crucial to your future success.

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RogerMackley Premium
Don't know bounce rate, but maybe some day.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You will understand in time Roger. I hope this makes it a little clearer.
CherryRed20 Premium
Thank you for sharing this, Lily.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome Cherry.
Lily 😁🎶
rjkennedy Premium
Thank you for sharing this info
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hey RJ,

Good to see you here.
Anything to help.

Lily 😁🎶
Meenaf1 Premium Plus
Very good training, Lily. Thanks for sharing.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome Meena.
Great to know it helped.

Lily 😁🎶
Israel17 Premium
What a powerful SEO training tutorial, Lily! Your bounce rate improves when you maintain a good site speed. Kudos!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Thanks so much for your comment Israel. I'm so pleased that this helped your understanding my friend.

Lily 😁🎶