Creating Quality Content

There are three aspects that you need to look at when crafting a website that will attract visitors and make them want to stay.

  1. 1. The Design of your website
  2. 2. Ads and pop-ups
  3. 3. Poorly written and crafted text

1.The Design of Your Website

Consider for a moment that you are researching a problem you have, once you Google that problem, you will select what may be a solution article to read.

How horrible is it when?

  • The website doesn’t load quickly
  • There is a huge picture or
  • Blinking pop-ups and flashing ads that you have to wade through to even read the text.
  • Or the size or font of the text is faint, small, or cramped

You may think this is great but most people will click away. Look at the most popular websites. They are nice and clean, uncluttered. The text is well-spaced and very easy to read, some bold highlights important words or passages. Pay attention when you are researching or reading members' articles. Assess their webpage design as well. Did you find their website easy to navigate?

Ask for feedback on your website design here at Wealthy Affiliate, it is worth the credits to get positive, honest feedback. It is better to find out soon how your website is viewed so that you can polish it as you create quality content. If you do a little change once a week over time you will develop a professional and successful website.

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RogerMackley Premium
Don't know bounce rate, but maybe some day.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You will understand in time Roger. I hope this makes it a little clearer.
CherryRed20 Premium
Thank you for sharing this, Lily.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome Cherry.
Lily 😁🎶
rjkennedy Premium
Thank you for sharing this info
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hey RJ,

Good to see you here.
Anything to help.

Lily 😁🎶
Meenaf1 Premium Plus
Very good training, Lily. Thanks for sharing.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome Meena.
Great to know it helped.

Lily 😁🎶
Israel17 Premium
What a powerful SEO training tutorial, Lily! Your bounce rate improves when you maintain a good site speed. Kudos!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Thanks so much for your comment Israel. I'm so pleased that this helped your understanding my friend.

Lily 😁🎶