2. An Internal Call to Action in Every Post

This is a very clever way of promoting your main product when you write a post or article for your website and you can add this several times in a long review. But you don’t want people to feel that you are doing a hard sell. The plan is that the call-to-action button will take them to a landing page that you created as a post on your website.

Here is an example that I created for my posts:

I created this in Canva for free (using the LinkedIn template), then compressed the image in BeFunky for free to about 74kb and loaded it as an image on my post placing the link to my landing page when I load the image from my dashboard.

In this post (landing page) you will write a convincing review of the product and why people should buy or join. It is more often in a testimonial style (such as why you joined Wealthy Affiliate and what it has given you etc.) Here you can tell your story, add screenshots of your earnings, and anything that will encourage people to join.

Tell them about yourself and why it has changed your life, you can be creative, you want them to relate to you. Make sure that you condense any images as you must keep your load speed for all your posts under 3 seconds.



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    Natsea Premium
    Hello Lily. At this point i don't understand what this is about. I may get there later. But I have a question. 2 days later I was checking some of my URL in google console as google stopped index my articles and also my sitemaps disappeared. So when I was checking the URLs, there was written Landing page and url of that page. But som articles had different url or even two url under landing page. Would you be able to explain to me what does it mean?
    Thank you
    Aussiemuso Premium Plus
    Hi Nat,

    I can honestly say I don't know why that has happened. Perhaps you could ask the technical people here as I've never heard of that happening before.

    Perhaps put the question in a blog here as you will then have all the community in with ideas. Diane or Abie may have come across it before, you could perhaps PM them to ask.

    Sorry, I can't help.

    Natsea Premium
    No worries. Thank you Lily 😊
    richardgb Premium
    Hmmm, Lily
    What you are describing here is one type of landing page.

    Many years ago (sorry not sure when) Google defined a landing page as being any page that a visitor lands on as a result of clicking a SERPS result.

    Over the years marketers have defined and given names to landing pages to make it easier to clarify specific purposes for such pages. Probably the most obvious is "squeeze page" meaning a landing page designed to encourage someone to give you their email address.

    Google actually doesn't like marketing or sales pages turning up in SERPS! They want SERPS to show paid adverts or organic content.

    These facts don't detract however from the value of your information on the different types of marketing and sales landing pages.
    Aussiemuso Premium Plus
    Hi Richard,

    I agree with what you are saying. Google doesn't want to see these promo landing pages they should be a link from an informative article or review. they have a specific place in our marketing.

    OCH3943 Premium Plus
    Hi Lily, this is a very good guide for me. I will have to bookmark it and go through the resources you have shared.

    Thank you!
    Aussiemuso Premium Plus
    You are welcome. I like giving people a practical guide that will help them improve.

    Enjoy your journey.
    Bootcamp20 Premium
    Would like to understand how
    PPC works.
    Aussiemuso Premium Plus
    Kyle's explanation is excellent about PPC.

    Try this link, it's also part of the Bootcamp course. Lily
    Bootcamp20 Premium
    Aussiemuso Premium Plus
    You are very welcome!