2. The Risk of Enhancing the URL Structure of Your Site & Building Inbound/Outbound Links

Veterans do think that they’re going to waste tons of traffic away by generating links back to their sites as well as referencing other websites on their web pages, whereas, they’re missing out on some important ranking metrics for not taking this risk. One of the most crucial SEO components is Backlinks. Adding quality inbound/outbound links is extremely meant for building trust/credibility and improving the overall PageRank.

Adding inbound/outbound links increases your ranking value and earns you a boost in TrustRank. It’s an act of “Give and Take”. Search engines find that you are getting mentions on popular/authority sites and you’re referencing such in your own posts as well. While doing this, take cautions by ensuring that you’re only leveraging quality and well-respected sites to avoid getting slapped.

Another major SEO mistake brands make in implementing SEO practices is in the inappropriate URL structure. Brands use too long URLs with the thought that it would help them clarify their goals better to the users, whereas, this ends up deteriorating the face value of their sites. A realistic URL must be simple, short and memorable.

While making the URL for your website, ensure that this reflects some strategic/targeted keywords for your brand in it. A great disadvantage in using a long URL is that Google truncates its appearance with (…) once it gets to the very point that it needs to be truncated. The risk to be taken here is what changes need to be made in the URL to impact rankings positively in SERPs. If done the right way, it’ll lead to amazing results in traffic in particular, and better user experience in general.

3. The Risk of Purchasing Expired Domains

Several domains out there have always become available for sale with the domain registrars. This occurs as a result of having so many website owners who don’t care about renewing their expired domains.

It can be beneficial to invest in such domains as links can potentially be redirected to your existing website with the aid of 301 redirects. However, there are certain risk signals connected to this. One significant thing you must put into consideration is how relevant and related the domain is to your existing website and what credit history it has got so far.

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emimos12 Premium
Its amazing,thanks for sharing.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for stopping by, emimos12! I'm more than excited to welcome you onboard. Kudos to you for reading this training piece! Yes, while you're giving some fund, time, and energy on SEO practices, you need to realize that there are certain risks that should be avoided and some that must be taken to complement your endeavors for an optimal result. Thanks for leaving a thought!

Israel Olatunji
BorisRoman Premium Plus
Awesome training, Israel

Placed it into my collection of your brilliant tutorials!

Wish you much success!

Israel17 Premium
Thanks for leaving a thought, Bob! You're highly cherished for this. Hope you are making progress with your business! Trust you anyway! While you are earnestly working towards improving your SEO, there are harmful risks that should be completely avoided while there are a couple of risks that are extremely worth taking. Hope you enjoyed the tutorial! See you at the top soonest!

Israel Olatunji
barry0z Premium
Thank you so much for your training and information you create, Israel! Have a good day.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for stopping by, Barry! You're highly cherished. While there are a couple of risks to avoid in SEO practices, you should also note that there are certain SEO risks to take which will definitely lead to a successful business endeavor in the online world. If you do have any question on which SEO risks should be avoided and which should be taken, don't hesitate to get back to me any time of the day. I work as a full-time blogger from the comfort of my home. Thanks for your contributions! See you succeed soonest!

Israel Olatunji