Do you want to build site traffic and make your site skyrocket on the first page of Google this year? It is more than possible depending on how much time you’re willing to dedicate towards implementing the working strategies. It’s quite easy to accomplish this goal in a year so far you are ready to drive the vehicle in the right direction.
Why do you think planes crash if not for going in the wrong direction or having some mechanical fault as the case may be? Why do motor vehicles run into accidents if not for the same reason attributed to crashing aircrafts? When the pilot/driver is not in the right frame of the mind to work and the plane/vehicle is not in good standing as expected, problems occur which could be so hazardous.
Do you always think it would take you through 3-4 years or longer at all to build PageRank for your site? It all depends on you. It depends on how soon or long you’re willing to become successful online. What takes others more than 3 years to build, you can accomplish in less than a year. That’s the real deal about building an online business.
It’s not, by any means, conditional that you must stay for years before you can start getting results. It takes so long to accomplish online success on the part of most people because they don’t really devote the right time, implement the right strategy, leverage the right tools as well as work the techniques with the right energy.
When it comes to getting high conversions through your website, driving high-quality traffic is the way out for you other than getting low-quality traffic. In today’s training tutorial, I’d love to share my working tools which drive lots of organic search engine traffic to my website.
What do we really mean by driving organic search engine traffic? We simply mean:
- The traffic that really comes from your potential target audience;
- The potential/prospective buyers; and
- The traffic that reaches your Cost Per Action (CPA) aims.
Now, I want to discuss the search engine traffic tools which are all your website needs to skyrocket this year.
Here are the tools needed for building high-quality traffic for your site:
- Google Webmaster Tools
- Ahrefs
- Google Analytics
- RankTracker
- Quantcast
- Jaaxy
Google Webmaster Tools
When it comes to finding out how your site is performing, Google Webmaster Tools is an excellent tool to leverage. It helps you observe your site loading speed and the page load times as extracted from Google which is an extremely-crucial ranking signal.
It tells you when broken links and errors are detected on your site as well as explains keyword performances for your site, traffic stats, click-through rates, impressions, and all of these.
It’s an excellent traffic-pulling tool when it comes to checking how your SEO endeavors are yielding for your site as well as optimizing your website description and title tags.