If you’re a Yoast user, you can even create a clone from your post with the new Rewrite & Republish function. Once you are done, you can publish an updated version of your post. This will merge your new post into the original and clean up the draft.

You can easily work on your post and publish these changes. You may also choose to schedule these updates if you wish to publish your updated content later.

Here are some steps to follow when updating the older content on your blog:

Remove Irrelevant Pages or Posts

You may have pages or posts on your website that are no longer needed. You might think of an announcement about an event. Or old pages that are very thin in content.

These are only a few examples. I'm confident you'll know the posts and pages I'm referring to. This old content has no value, and will not be useful in the future. You can tell Google to delete these pages or posts or give the URL a different purpose.

When I say "delete old content", I don't just mean pressing the "delete" button and forgetting about it. You might find the content in Google for several weeks after it was deleted. It is possible that the URL has some link value, which would make it a shame to throw away.

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JKulk1 Premium
A timely tutorial. I intend to update my content. Jim
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Great idea Jim.😁
Angell70 Premium
Awesome training Lily, thank you for this.
I will take into consideration and correct the old content soon I will get reunited with my boy&partner;.
Blessings to you&family;
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Thanks Angel so pleased it inspired you.

Lily 😁🎶
StephenThiam Premium
I have read many of your articles. Thanks a lot for many useful information.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Thanks for visiting and your comment Stephen.
Lily 😁🎶
richardgb Premium
Wow Lily
You're on a roll! Another excellent contribution to the WA community.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are so kind Richard.
Lily 😊
Feochadan Premium Plus
Another brilliant training! I use Yoast all of the time and didn’t know about that particular use. Is there any way to see which of my content is orphaned automatically or do I have to go through all of my posts to figure this out?


Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hi Darlene,

Only you can decide which posts are orphans but think about what you are trying to achieve with your website. Which posts speak loudest for your product or service?

Lily 😁🎶