We all have to eat.

Now we come to a biggie. A lot of people have stopped listening to their bodies and yet expect to live a long life.

Are you in the habit of throwing food down your throat while doing other activities?

It's time you treated yourself well. If you cook for yourself, make sure the presentation of your food looks like it was fit for a King. Presentation is everything.

Don't eat off paper plates with plastic cutlery. Use proper plates, knives and forks, napkins. If you want to be wealthy, treat yourself like you deserve it.

Eat in silence if you can, let your senses enjoy what you have no matter what.

If you have to eat take-away, do not eat out of cartons, prepare it so it looks like you are about to present it to a chef. If you don't know how to do that, google it.

This will also help you to stop overeating if that is a problem for you. Taking the time and effort to look after you. You are number one and don't forget it.

If you start doing this for yourself other's will too. Don't you deserve the very best?

This is another mindset changer which will have a massive impact on your life.

Yes it does take work, there is no way around it, but as with everything you will get better at it and eventually it will be just as quick as the old ways.

Always sit to eat, don't eat on the run, take your time and enjoy what you have. You will have seen those movies where the top person always gets to eat like this, you be that top person.

Your house?

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Chezbrown Premium
Mmmm Have you been using you magic to have a look at my life before you wrote this lol.

Firstly though, I only ever wear my Sunday Best Pj's when I work from home as I am very classy lol.

My eating is so bad in that I really don't care about food and I tend to graze rather than sitting down to a meal. Not a good thing I know but have this aversion to food.

Thirdly, the only clutter in my house I need to get rid ofare a husband, daughter and twin boys and then I would have the cleanest, tidiest house around because.I wouldn't have to keep shouting at them to lift things up and put them away.

The best exercise I get is walking which I like. Love to go long walks with Jake but not when its cold. As I don't drive I tend to walk everywhere if I can.

Anyway Micheal, thanks for this great training and certainly lots for people to ponder over and think a lot about as will I. Thank you. Xx
Ultimateless Premium
Sounds like you have it all handled Cheryl. :)

You can't get rid of family, they are your challenges, we all have them, lol !
Chezbrown Premium
Definitely a challenge with my lot lol.

Thanks Michael, Most days I have it handled but some others I don't. Xx
gs1954 Premium
Thanks for the inspirational words.
Ultimateless Premium
Thank you, Gregory.
ChrisScott Premium
Wow, Spot on & I love the illustrations as it brought this awesome training to life. Too cool.

I have done everything you have recommended but find the dressing and exercise the hardest. My last bout with death has destroyed 1/2 my appetite and what has been dished out under the guise of my daily bread has disrupted the other 1/2.

I have lost a bit of weight, (30 lbs.) over the past three weeks, but it was needed. I am now back under 200. My skin is not as tight as it once was.

Very good trainer and thank you for the style, art, empathy and dedication to crank it out.

Your service to WA is in keeping with the very best of entrepreneurialism and reflects great credit upon you, this platform and the entire online community.
Ultimateless Premium
Thank you so much, Teddy, coming from you is quite an honour.
amgolf Premium
็Time to adjust "Helm" of my ship.

Thank you so much for your guide
Ultimateless Premium
Go for it, Nattawut.
ValerieJoy Premium Plus
Thanks for the great training Michael. I enjoyed reading it all and I agree with all of the points you speak about.
Dressing well, even just for ourselves is definitely something I believe in and do. In the past I have read articles or promotions where the value of being able to work in your PJ's 'till whatever time of day has been highlighted as an attraction to sign up for a work from home business. Hmm.... makes one wonder!

So thanks again Michael. There are some things I need to go and do, having read your training! But, maybe I will leave them 'till tomorrow!!
Ultimateless Premium
Thanks, Valerie, yes that bit about being able to run a business in PJ's is another one of, do nothing and get everything, type of mindsets. I would love to pop a success pill but I have to work for it. :)