3. Optimize Your Content For Local SEO

    Voice search has continued to grow. Considering the spread, a major part of voice search will be local. A good example is people searching for the nearest barbers shop, nearest college etc.

    As such, there is a need for businesses to update their profiles and personal information. They will form the basics of data Google will engage in responding to these Local searches.

    It will mean the eatery owner will include such details as available dishes, opening hours, and the location of their shop. They will also have to optimize their websites to show up for enquiries such as "best eatery in Australia", "best coffee", etc.

    So as a small business owner or an SEO expert, you must enquire on questions, your clients will most like use when engaging any voice machine

    4. Enquire about Frequently Asked Questions

      Although voice searches are usually long phrases or sentences, they are specific and targeted. It is not common to find people rumbling when communicating with a voice assistant. They want to be specific to get the desired results.

      Queries like "find the nearest gas station near me" will give the user precise gas stations. Business owners must ensure their website is properly optimized for such searches.

      Your frequently asked questions or blog post that is conversational and addresses specific queries is important. It will entail researching the most likely questions your audience will post to digital assistants. You can pick these questions and make a short blog post around this question.

      The most important thing is ensuring your content answers the questions in the most precise manner possible.

      5. Make your Blog Ready for Voice Search

        With our mobile phones in our hands, users always need relevant and immediate information. And one of the easiest ways to approach it is by doing a voice search with the phones in their hands. It makes the internet available at the tip of our fingers.

        To thrive in today's competition, we must ensure our business is available and able to meet this enquiry. So to take advantage of the voice searches, you must

        1. Think ahead of your users and anticipate the information they will need
        2. Anticipate when they will need this information and your services
        3. Package the information and services in such a way that will be pleasing to your website users

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        Dhind1 Premium Plus
        It is true. I was recently away from home and traveling. I used voice search on my phone quite a few times while I was away from my physical computer. The searches I made were more direct and worded differently than what I would have done on my computer.

        Parameter Premium
        Thank you Alex for a share of personal experience.

        Voice search will be the order of the day. It is convenient and always precise

        RosanaHart Premium Plus
        I didn't realize how important this was becoming. Fortunately, it won't apply to my sites as much as to others, because none of my sites are local. But still I'll have to keep it in mind!
        Parameter Premium
        Hi Rosana,

        That will be great. having voice search in mind will help you create content that will respond to instant searches. I appreciate time taken to see the training

        west2000 Premium
        These are some great suggestions. Thanks for sharing.

        Parameter Premium
        Hi Susan,

        I am glad you found it engaging. Thank you for spending some time to see the training

        Israel17 Premium
        Thanks for the helpful tips on optimizing for voice search, Ayodeji! Much appreciated!

        Israel Olatunji
        Parameter Premium

        Thank you Israel.

        Voice search is gradually becoming the order of the day. And as marketers it is important we begin to incorporate it in our business.