While a bit different than in Word, accents using a Mac are as follows: The main key to use is the Option Key. You would use Upper case or Lower case as required.

Accent Aigu: (É)

Option key + letter e at the same time. Release all the keys you held down. Now click the e again.

Accent Grave: (À, È, Ù)

Option key + ` (found in the top left of your keyboard, on the key with the tilde). Followed by a, e, or u.

Circumflex: (Â, Ê, Î, Ô, Û)

Option key + letter i. Followed by a, e, i, o, or u.

Cedilla: (Ç)

Option key + letter c. No additional letter needs to follow.

Trema: (Ë, Ï, Ü)

Option key + letter u. Followed by e, i, or u.

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Judy-B Premium
Knew there had to be a way to do this. Thanks for taking the time to make this tutorial. :)
Ptrep27 Premium
My pleasure. I have found help many times here at WA, glad I could give some back. P
Chrissies Premium
I have never known how to do this, very many thanks Pierre, and many congrats on your first training :)
Ptrep27 Premium
Much appreciated. Take care.
HelenpDoyle Premium
If I can't remember the number code (and where I stored my list!) I use the symbol font in Word. They will be there somewhere!
Ptrep27 Premium
Very true. Thanks. P
StepChook Premium
Merci beaucoup!
Ptrep27 Premium
My pleasure. P
danbarth87 Premium
Helpful training. Well done!
Ptrep27 Premium
Thanks, much appreciated. Pierre