So now you may be thinking why I say you should be updating old content and it is quite simple really.

1. Your Content Could Be Outdated

So you wrote a post a year back and things have changed, this means your post is not relevant. Anyone that lands up on your post will leave quickly or have the wrong information. This does not look good for you!

Updating your content will make your visitors experience on your website better.

2. You've learned new skills

When you first started your website you probably didn't have many skills, sorry I don't mean to be ugly here. Maybe a better way to put it is that you've gained skills since you started your website :)

This means that your old content is not ranking as well as it could.

It also means that your users experience on your website will be oh so much better if you apply your new skills to your old content.

Perhaps you've just watched one of Jay's awesome webinars and you now know some really kick-ass ways to get your content ranked? Well go back and add those things to your old posts, you will be amazed what this can do for your rankings!

I did some new training at the beginning of this year and I updated 3 old posts in one week.... and yes I got page one rankings!

3. You've hit a writers block!

No problem, make some great changes to an old post then republish it... you're readers have something "new" to read and keep them interested. I can promise you that this can seriously come in handy!

4. Google will love you for it

Yes that is right. This shows Google you love your website, you update old content and make sure everything is current and new.

What's not to love?

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RaeAnnePond Premium
Thanks for this information! I have only been in just shy of a month now and my website isn't anywhere near where I wan it to be, but I can already see where my posts need to be updated because I've learned new information about writing my content. Sometimes it's a little hard to keep up, but I'm trying! It's all a work in progress.
LynneHuy Premium
Yes it is always very much a work in progress!
laurenjean Premium
Awesome training - thanks Lynne!! Oops, I've already changed a few URL's! Will stop doing that immediately!
LynneHuy Premium
Yes stop that Lauren! Bad news to do that!

Once you have published it then it is done, leave the url :) I always leave the url to change just before I publish it because I don't always put my keyword in my post title, but I do in my meta title... and the url automatically becomes the post title.

Just make a point of the last thing you ALWAYS do before publishing is double check your url. Everything else you can change...
thegomezmom Premium
This training is just what I needed right now! Thank you so much for writing this!
LynneHuy Premium
It is a pleasure, so glad I could help you :)
Chris2005 Premium Plus
I write a new post then update an old post. There is always new information to share. Thanks for sharing.
LynneHuy Premium
Great, so this is already working for you :)
Jeg12 Premium
Hey there.
Thank you for the info. I am one of those new people that is still confused.
LynneHuy Premium
Hi Michelle

Yes and you would be with all there is to learn! Just do your best and keep moving forward and adding new content. Like I said in this training updating old content is something you will need to do on a regular basis anyway and it will help you... so just do it!

If you are struggling with anything just let me know and I'll see if I can help you.