3. Grow with your niche

There is a very social aspect in the action of delivering content to an audience. It is in that daily interaction with your niche that you become aware of very important common aspects of the people that follow you. Growing with your audience means you become sensitive to reactions that a common person would not spot. You discover what annoys them. You start to distinguish what your audience really needs. As an example of sensibility based on exposure I would mention the comparison between English speakers and Italian/Spanish speakers. In English when you address a person you say “you”. It could be your friend or it could be the King, to both you say “you”. Now in Italian and Spanish thereis a formal way to address the King and an informal way to address your friend. An Italian learning Spanish will immediately be sensible to this because he is accustomed to it in his mother tongue. But I have seen people whose first language is English being accused of rude because they address very important people informally in Italian/Spanish. And in many cases it’s because they are not sensitive to it, because they don’t make that distinction in their mother tongue.

There are very tiny things that become very important in every niche. People that are sensitive enough to discover these elements have an advantage over the competition. But these aspects are discovered gradually based on exposure and testing.

But it also may be said that even if you spend 50 years working with a niche, there still will be aspects of your audience that you can’t control or distinguish. I’d like to lay here the example of a very talented Canadian singer, who passed away a year ago, Mr. Leonard Cohen. He was an excellent poet and had years performing in front of audiences. He had undisputedly grown with experience. But he stated once that there was a mysterious factor about the connection with his audience that he didn’t control. This mysterious factor separated an OK presentation from anawesome one.

So, our general recommendation is to keep an eye on the particularities of your niche, be sensible to them. You’ll never fully understand your audience but getting to know them better will mark a great difference.

Thanks for reading these brief considerations. If you have any objections, comment or question, I’d be glad to hear about you through a comment in the box below. If you have discovered at least something new, or have felt identified with a statement on this article, please give me a “Like”. Best wishes for you, your family and your online business!

Henry :)

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StefanieT Premium
Hi Henry, this was very informative to me as I am pretty new to affiliate marketing. So thank you and best wishes :-)
Henry-II Premium
You’re most welcome and I’m so happy you found this article informative. Best wishes as well to you in this marvelous journey as an affiliate marketer. :)
brichnow21 Premium Plus
Henry, I love my audience!!! How about, You?
We are not a glum lot!
Are we having fun, yet? Ha!
I'm about to crate, Henry!
Have a great night
Henry-II Premium
Hi, Barbara! Yes, helping our audience is very fulfilling, and we have fun doing it! I think the secret is to love your niche, care about your audience and understand how the affiliate market works. Thank you very much for you kind comments. I’m delighted to have met you here at Wealthy Affiliate! :)
brichnow21 Premium Plus
Mutual, dear, Henry!!
Henry-II Premium
:) :)
ThomasTay Premium
Excellent article advising us how to write content that our target audience want to read... Thank you very much.
brichnow21 Premium Plus
Thomas, please check my blog day WA Profile...
Tips on attracting, as well...Little different slant, but I believe will also be helpful!
Henry-II Premium
Hey, Thomas Tay! Thank you for stopping by and for your kind note. Among the important things to keep in mind as an affiliate marketer, learning about your audience is one of them. Best wishes on your online business!
NickV1 Premium
Very true do your homework
Henry-II Premium
Yes, the homework must be done! It will surely pay off in the long run!
Urolin1981 Premium
Hi! Henry-II,
Quite an excellent post addressing the essential points of affiliate marketing. These will surely benefit not just newbies but all the oldies in the struggle for succeeding in e-marketing adventure.

Henry-II Premium
Hello Doctor. I really appreciate your generous remarks. I wish it could benefit all of us. Thank you very much for stopping by!