Similar Sites

SimilarSites is a great tool to show you what other sites are similar to the one you are viewing.

Download the extension here: SimilarSites

Installation is the same as any other extension.

SimilarSites does not display within search results. To use it all you need to do is go to the website you want to analyze and click the icon in your task bar.

This will bring up a page that looks like this:

As you can see I was on the site and the extension has found other sites that are similar.

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Install SimilarSites extension
2. Understand how it works

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MoeMakki Premium
I agree with Scott, Beau. You may feel discouraged, but this is kickass training. The only reason the padded, beginner training gets so much attention is because people generally like to learn stuff they already know. Quite the contradiction.

Anyway, I'm glad I read this! Even though I'm swamped in local marketing, this is great for SEO of all kinds. I installed Keywords Everywhere right away, and working on Moz bar now. I always thought Moz bar was paid, which makes me feel bad for skipping the blogs about it.

Here's my concern: how do we best use this info besides just determining authority sites and finding keywords? Specifically talking about SimilarWeb here. It sounds interesting, but I can't see how knowing its analytics would help out.
BeauAndNik Premium
Great question Mo. That question will be answered in my follow up training which will be how I use these tools to do niche research :)
VeronicasLuv Premium
OK.....this looks juicey!!! It's getting late here in New York, I definely want to read through this when I'm a lot more alert. I starred this training; you'll be bearing feom me again Beau.
BeauAndNik Premium
I appreciate you :) Being alert definitely helps with retaining info hahaha :)
mybiz4u Premium
Awesome course, Beau. Thanks so much. A question for you-could I just browse as a guest vs adding a person? As a guest the cache is cleared every time. Is this ok?
BeauAndNik Premium
If the guest account would allow the extensions then you should be good :) If you try it out let me know and i'll add an update and a mention
mybiz4u Premium
Thnx, Beau. No it did on towards creating an account. Thanks again.
sbelore Premium
This training provides tons of value. More importantly, it digs a little deeper beyond some of the more basic training. I think some of the more veteran members will also find this training valuable. This is important to keep the learning process progressing, and to encourage older members to sign up for another year when their membership expires. Great job Beau!
BeauAndNik Premium
You are a saint and a scholar my good man! Thanks for the kind words. I really appreciate it.. This encourages me to dig deeper into my bag of knowledge!
JCR3 Premium
Awesome training Beau. I will definitely be revisiting this as I get further along. I can completely see the value this adds. Keep the training coming!
BeauAndNik Premium
Cheers brother!