4. Make Your Posts Straightforward to Read

No one likes to read. They want the information. They would download the information to their brains direct if they could.

It’s not clamoring for attention that anyone is reading your article. They’d rather watch Netflix than read your blog.

As a writer, your job is to encourage them to read. Bond Halbert, a famous copywriter, said that “good writing makes it easy to read.”

You need to know how to edit your copy to make it easy to read. Halbert’s book about editing is the best I have found.

Here are some good tips Bond suggests for writing:

Breeze long sentences – People read with their minds. Long sentences can be challenging to follow. You can break up long sentences by looking for instances in which you have used “and,” “because,” or “that.”

Use short paragraphs – Long paragraphs can be intimidating for readers. Hemingway and other tools make it easier.

Use formatting – Use bold, italics, and quotes to break up large chunks of text and emphasize specific points.

Listen to your copy aloud – This will help you identify areas that are not flowing smoothly or are boring.

Insert multimedia – These can include videos, images, GIFs, etc. You can use these to illustrate your points without the need for additional words.

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Tfpeacock Premium
Hi lily you are an inspiration for me thank you for the time and love to see other suceed in this journey taking your time doing all this teaching to enlight other what a concern thank you lot this is what make the people of this coumminity very very special,I love you all and HAPPY CHRISTMAS
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are so very welcome.
This lovely community helps us all to grow and feel supported.
Have a very Merry Christmas.
Thanks for your kind words.

Nadjim Premium
What is CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer??
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
I would suggest that you Googe CoSchedule Headline Analyzer and have a look.

Nadjim Premium
Alright, I'm going to do that. Thanks
TheAbiePPlus Premium Plus

That what it says "Write Headlines That Drive Traffic, Shares, And Search Results"

It is an aid tool, however I would still follow up on the training as WA teaches.
Nadjim Premium
This has been a wonderful training Lily.
But just a quick question please. What is Ahrefs Site Explore and where do we get it? Thanks a lot
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Just Google the name Ahrefs Site Explorer and have a look.

TheAbiePPlus Premium Plus

Same as Lily states,
Nadjim Premium
i have taken note of all that and i'm gonna do my research to find more.
TheAbiePPlus Premium Plus
That's awesome and great to know.

Keep us updated on your progress and you're very welcome.
DCarpenter1 Premium
Thank you, Lily.
I have a long way to go & hopefully improve all the time.
Training is essential.
I will keep your post for referral & ensure I follow the training.

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Excellent news Denis.
You can't go wrong if you follow this list and honestly the time will fly and soon you will have created an exciting business.

Zoopie Premium
Great 101 blogging tips, and a good refresher.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
They are great reminders Stephen to keep us focused on what we need to do to be successful.

Thanks for your comment.
Have a lovely weekend.
