Author skandy85
Rank 1139

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Here are some other training modules you can look at in the same area:

How Long Does It Take To Rank & Make Money!?

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How Long Does It Take To Rank And Get Traffic?

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jimzDAWL7139 Premium
Two thumbs way up for your videos, Phil. They're great.
skandy85 Premium Plus
Cheers Jim. Much appreciated. Be sure to refer to them when you get stuck or need something to get out of a rough path
Fran1262018 Premium
Wow! This is a great video! Thanks! It gives very good pointers. And as a newbie it helped to take a lot of pressure off of me. I really like point number 5: "Learn to walk before you try a marathon." And point number 10: "Accept that this is a long term thing." What I got out of it was just follow the WA plan, be patient and be committed. Thanks again!
skandy85 Premium Plus
You nailed it! You are going to do very well here!
PaulMunns Premium
Another great video. Thank you.
On the technical side...How do you get the picture in picture effect on your video? Is there a particular program or software?
skandy85 Premium Plus
I use Screen O Matic - very basic but it works. Cheap aswell, only like $20 for the year
CatherineBen Premium
Thankyou! Very good advice and info. Just confirms that we are all in good hands.
skandy85 Premium Plus
Much appreciated. I will have more tips coming as I make note of them as I go.
phoeby123 Premium
Excellent tips. Thanks!
skandy85 Premium Plus
Glad you enjoyed it. I have another being uploaded as we speak whee I show the progression of traffic and blog posts. Stay tuned!