Author skandy85
Rank 1138

This video shows you the worst case scenario if you stick with the training at WA. This includes a full 12 months of making mistakes, learning, having a busy personal life, procrastination, distraction!

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JackieSmith Premium
Great video Phillip.
I have learned something new.
I wasn't aware that some of my older content can be passed some of the Google ranking juice to propel them to the top.

I love how you explain this with a diagram. Great stuff!

The offshoot of that is I will need to review some of my older content.

skandy85 Premium Plus
Google is a strange thing. haha! I have had things take 1 year to rank before now. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. Means a lot! Cheers
ChrisDE Premium
I already posted that as a response to Philips feedback to a blog I wrote (where he pointed me to that training), but I have to share that here as well!

Wow - Philip. That is pure, digital gold!!! Before watching your video I was TOO SCARED to even check out my analytics. After watching it, I decided to go for it. And I have to admit, it doesn't look that bad (see attached screenshot) - It reminds me of the stats you showed in your video and I was quite happy to notice that more than 10% of my still-getting-started traffic comes through organic search. Actual visitors! Nice!

So thank you so much for pointing me towards that training! It really boosted my motivation and lowered my fear.

Thank you, thank you, thank you... THANK YOU!!!
skandy85 Premium Plus
Thanks for posting a comment - it is really wonderful knowing that people find my videos helpful! Just keep working and keep moving forward. The results will come.
crshafer Premium
Thoroughly enjoyed your video and I found it quite comforting! I'm less than one month in with my training (which I'm enjoying and finding value in) and I can picture myself giving up 6 months down the line just for the reasons you described. New members (myself included) must realize that nothing worth while comes easy. If it did, everyone would be doing it! Elementary really... It takes money to make money and in most cases, time is money. You've given me inspiration to just stay the course and KEEP WRITING! Cheers!
skandy85 Premium Plus
So happy it proved useful to you. I have just updated the training with a new video so if you want to watch it again then feel free. Thanks for leaving a comment. means a lot!
SophiaMia Premium
So I have had my website up and running since october of last year, its been about 7 months.... I get anywhere from 200 to 20 visitors a day because all my traffic is coming only from my facebook business page and my pinterest account, ( depending on how much I pin and how aggressive I am on facebook) but in terms of my google rankings, its not happening yet....

Okay here is the thing. So I did an SEO audit on my site, I made sure that I repicked keywords that had virtually 0 QSR ( no more than 5 ) and at least 24 ( but up to 120 ) searches per month... that was the best i could do, I only have 19 these past 7 months I was able to invest in a ghostwriter and was only able afford 19 articles in the past 7 months... I believe that i am not ranking because all my keywords were bad choices, so this SEO audit that I did... I want to believe that google will notice within a week, especially since I added them to search console ( under fetch as google )

What do you think?
Gregory16 Premium
The keywords don't make grammatical sense, try changing some of the words so they make grammatical sense. Hope this helps.
SophiaMia Premium
Yeah but when I make it "make sense" the keyword is one that has way too many competing pages. I don't think you know what you are talking about. Because I don't mean use the keyword word for word on page, I mean use that as the URL word for word and also in the ALL IN ONE SEO pack keyword section, but of course in the article I would write it so it makes sense but like I said the RIGHT way to spell it out has way too many other competing pages - by missing the "A" or "the" makes all the difference and there IS a way around it...
Gregory16 Premium
Sorry I tried to help you, no need to be so rude
skandy85 Premium Plus
As @Gregory16 says... the keywords need to make sense. If you are doing keyword research for phrases with missing words then you won't get accurate results back.

The fact that you say yourself the competition is too strong when you put in the grammatically correct phrases shows why you are not ranking. Don't try and overthink things with different keyword in the URL and so on. Just do the research and write the content - it is the content that ranks.

Watch Jay when he does his keyword research. Trust Google to know the difference.
SophiaMia Premium
This video was very encouraging. I am just now hitting my 6 month mark and am getting about 50 visitors a day only from Pinterest. I am a terrible writer so I hire people from Fiverr to write my articles for me. Right now it costs me about $25 for one, well crafted, good quality 2000 word document. Before it was $15 because I assumed articles should be 1000 words but I learned that pages on google #1 generally have 2000 words... so I can only afford $100 in articles a month, that is 4 articles as of now. You said in your video that you were working on a "passion project" that you were only posting 4 or 5 articles a month but it took you about a year and half to get to google's 1st page. So does that mean that I also have to wait another year (its been 6 months ) to get to that status? Because I can only afford 4 articles a month? That's baloney! I mean, I do all that I can to get a lot of comments on each of my article. Does that count for anything? All the comments ? Is there anyway I can speed up this process or help myself get to the top without having to break the bank? What about SEO backlinking services.... like the ones that build backlinks with really poor quality re spun articles? So many questions. I know, but I do want to know these things because I am struggling to get this thing going.
HowardJaros Premium Plus
I think you should write your own articles! If you can express yourself here, you can write for yourself, save the $100 a month, and post many more articles a month than just four: as many as you want!
danijel95 Premium
Well, I think that you will see great results but it is needed to post more regularly if you want to see faster achievements.

One of my post get on the first page in Google after only 3 months, but I am posting 3 articles per week, that is 10 articles per month.
Try to write yourself, even if it is low quality it is your work and with time you will be better and better.

All the best!
skandy85 Premium Plus

Never buy backlinks.

Avoid using - $25 for a 2,000 word article is very cheap. When it comes to content you do get what you pay for.

Google only cares about quality content, do not worry too much about how many articles you post per month, just make them the best you can.

If you are getting 50 hits per day after 6 months then that is good progress, by 12th month you will see a drastic increase as the geometric progression takes hold.

Keep up the good work!
SophiaMia Premium
Yea I know $25 is very cheap, but the quality of the article comes out a lot better than if I would write it myself. My niche is Baby Sleep and I am no pediatrician. I went to the library and got a TON of books on the subject ( I picked it because my baby has trouble sleeping ) I read and read but I am not able to translate what I read into writing, ( goes to show that I was very bad in english class and making book reports ) I even tried taking a chapter,putting it into a re-writer spinner, and I manually and meticulously went through each & every word ( while it was in the spinner software ) so that it would not come out like cookie monster english, and it came out pretty decent but it was a lot of work to copy from a book and then rewrite the whole thing word per word so it pass copyscape.

What I am saying is that a $25 article sure beats the hell out of attempting to write something myself and it coming out like garbage. Also, trying to go about it an plagiarizing but re-spinning just sounds messy... so I mean, I do what I can. ( take for instance this long ass reply I made, I am pretty sure I could have kept it a few sentences but I don't know how to write well so - here goes my long drawn out reply ) - can I have a little feedback please?

I hired someone from Fiverr also to assemble my google adsense ads so they wouldn't be popping up in random places ( I had placed a code in my site for "google auto ads" and it was always a random order of ads, so it made my site look like it had schizophrenia ) but I only paid $5 and the person did a really good job, everything looks uniform and even.

I just want to know if my site is "worthy" of getting thousands of views each day.
SophiaMia Premium
Oh man, I sure can express myself I just don't know when to stop. I tend to go on and on and on stretching out the point and when it comes to writing the subject that is my niche, I am at a loss because I am struggling to find the solution to the problem myself ( my niche is baby sleep lol ) anyway, the quality of the articles comes out a lot better than if I would have written it ( trust me, I already asked for feedback and I got a lot of "Ummmm..... nice try but no cigar" ) and I want to make sure I have a site that has at least DECENT content. Right?
SophiaMia Premium
Oh I see , so more articles the quicker you get results on google.
HowardJaros Premium Plus
Okay, I can appreciate that! But, I still think with practice, you could do it!
danijel95 Premium
Well, I think yes! But also I want to ask you are you using keyword research because I put one of your keywords in Jaaxy and results are <10
SophiaMia Premium
Really? Oh no, what keyword was that? I use Jaaxy too.
HowardJaros Premium Plus
Good point Daniel! We always assume people are doing correct keyword research. Without that quality content will make no difference.
danijel95 Premium
I had a look on this one "CFS White Noise Machine Review"
SophiaMia Premium
Oh right. No I think the keyword there was "White Noise Machine Review"
danijel95 Premium
Hmm, you are right! Sorry for that! But again, that keyword have QSR of 125, you should look for keywords that are below 100 QSR and ideally 50 and under..

All the best!!