This video shows you the worst case scenario if you stick with the training at WA. This includes a full 12 months of making mistakes, learning, having a busy personal life, procrastination, distraction!
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Great video Phillip.
I have learned something new.
I wasn't aware that some of my older content can be passed some of the Google ranking juice to propel them to the top.
I love how you explain this with a diagram. Great stuff!
The offshoot of that is I will need to review some of my older content.
I have learned something new.
I wasn't aware that some of my older content can be passed some of the Google ranking juice to propel them to the top.
I love how you explain this with a diagram. Great stuff!
The offshoot of that is I will need to review some of my older content.
I already posted that as a response to Philips feedback to a blog I wrote (where he pointed me to that training), but I have to share that here as well!
Wow - Philip. That is pure, digital gold!!! Before watching your video I was TOO SCARED to even check out my analytics. After watching it, I decided to go for it. And I have to admit, it doesn't look that bad (see attached screenshot) - It reminds me of the stats you showed in your video and I was quite happy to notice that more than 10% of my still-getting-started traffic comes through organic search. Actual visitors! Nice!
So thank you so much for pointing me towards that training! It really boosted my motivation and lowered my fear.
Thank you, thank you, thank you... THANK YOU!!!
Wow - Philip. That is pure, digital gold!!! Before watching your video I was TOO SCARED to even check out my analytics. After watching it, I decided to go for it. And I have to admit, it doesn't look that bad (see attached screenshot) - It reminds me of the stats you showed in your video and I was quite happy to notice that more than 10% of my still-getting-started traffic comes through organic search. Actual visitors! Nice!
So thank you so much for pointing me towards that training! It really boosted my motivation and lowered my fear.
Thank you, thank you, thank you... THANK YOU!!!
Thoroughly enjoyed your video and I found it quite comforting! I'm less than one month in with my training (which I'm enjoying and finding value in) and I can picture myself giving up 6 months down the line just for the reasons you described. New members (myself included) must realize that nothing worth while comes easy. If it did, everyone would be doing it! Elementary really... It takes money to make money and in most cases, time is money. You've given me inspiration to just stay the course and KEEP WRITING! Cheers!
So I have had my website up and running since october of last year, its been about 7 months.... I get anywhere from 200 to 20 visitors a day because all my traffic is coming only from my facebook business page and my pinterest account, ( depending on how much I pin and how aggressive I am on facebook) but in terms of my google rankings, its not happening yet....
Okay here is the thing. So I did an SEO audit on my site, I made sure that I repicked keywords that had virtually 0 QSR ( no more than 5 ) and at least 24 ( but up to 120 ) searches per month... that was the best i could do, I only have 19 posts....in these past 7 months I was able to invest in a ghostwriter and was only able afford 19 articles in the past 7 months... I believe that i am not ranking because all my keywords were bad choices, so this SEO audit that I did... I want to believe that google will notice within a week, especially since I added them to search console ( under fetch as google )
What do you think?
Okay here is the thing. So I did an SEO audit on my site, I made sure that I repicked keywords that had virtually 0 QSR ( no more than 5 ) and at least 24 ( but up to 120 ) searches per month... that was the best i could do, I only have 19 posts....in these past 7 months I was able to invest in a ghostwriter and was only able afford 19 articles in the past 7 months... I believe that i am not ranking because all my keywords were bad choices, so this SEO audit that I did... I want to believe that google will notice within a week, especially since I added them to search console ( under fetch as google )
What do you think?
This video was very encouraging. I am just now hitting my 6 month mark and am getting about 50 visitors a day only from Pinterest. I am a terrible writer so I hire people from Fiverr to write my articles for me. Right now it costs me about $25 for one, well crafted, good quality 2000 word document. Before it was $15 because I assumed articles should be 1000 words but I learned that pages on google #1 generally have 2000 words... so I can only afford $100 in articles a month, that is 4 articles as of now. You said in your video that you were working on a "passion project" that you were only posting 4 or 5 articles a month but it took you about a year and half to get to google's 1st page. So does that mean that I also have to wait another year (its been 6 months ) to get to that status? Because I can only afford 4 articles a month? That's baloney! I mean, I do all that I can to get a lot of comments on each of my article. Does that count for anything? All the comments ? Is there anyway I can speed up this process or help myself get to the top without having to break the bank? What about SEO backlinking services.... like the ones that build backlinks with really poor quality re spun articles? So many questions. I know, but I do want to know these things because I am struggling to get this thing going.