5. Keyword Competition
Strong competition exists for keywords that are the most searched for, so it is important to be selective about the keywords you rank for. You can't expect to get traffic if you don't have a trusted and strong website.
Instead, you should target low-competition keywords until they rank high for you. Then you can try to pursue popular keywords.
Ranking high for keywords with low competition will bring you traffic and links from other websites. Slowly, this will make your site stronger and be able to rank higher for important keywords.
6. Type of Content (Article, News Item, Images, etc.)
The type of content is another factor that influences the time it takes to rank on Google. Stories that are breaking news will rank higher than stories that aren't considered news.
A story about possible war events in the Middle East, for example, is more likely to be in the top spots than a story about food allergies.
Reviews of products are popular as are list articles.