Author Jim-Bo
Rank 69935

Things to Do After You Publish a Blog Post

In this Video today I show you the steps I complete after I've published a blog post.


These are things I have learned at WA I am hoping I've learned them right....In the beginning I was hesitant to make this video in case I'm doing it wrong. It's more or less what I do after I publish anything on my website. It does not mean it is the best method, though.

However, I thought "what the heck?" because if I am doing it wrong I am harming my chances of success, right? So, Jimbo, go ahead and make the video and show the steps I use every time I've pressed the publish button. THEN, if I am making obvious mistakes or missing something essential, or just beneficial, people here can point them out. After that, I can learn something new, I can also re-do the video to refine the process, right?

So, in the end, even if it is not 100% correctomundo, I get to learn from any mistakes, and then you guys get to learn from my mistakes.

It's a clever person who learns from their own mistakes, but a smarter one will also learn from others' mistakes, I'm sure you'll agree.

So, please, if you spot any boo boos in this video, such as the order in which the steps are carried out, or a step that I'm missing, tell me in the comments so that everyone, including myself, can learn better ways.

In the end, I think it was a great idea to do this video, even if there are heaps of boo boos, because we would never have identified them had we just gone on doing what we usually do, right?

Here's the stuff I used in the video after hitting publish.

1. I created an annotation in Google Analytics for future reference should I want to discover "why" I had a spike in traffic.

2. I fetched (crawled) my new post with Google Search Console (formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools) and submitted it for indexing.

3. Then I pinged my blog post with 3 services (Google Ping, Ping-o-matic, and Total Ping).

4. I went to DIGG and submitted my URL there.

5. I shared my post (using my social media share buttons) to my Facebook Profile and Then to My Facebook Page.

6. I Tweeted to my Twitter account.

7. I shared to my Pinterest boards (all three of them in this instance).

8. I shared to my Linkedin account (this is one I need to learn more about_

9. I shared to Stumbleupon using my social sharing buttons.

10. I used my Flipboard button (a chrome/firefox browser extension) to share on flipboard (would like to learn more about this)

That's about it...

So, as you can see in the video, the process didn't take too long. I know there is one thing I've missed out in the process and that is REDDIT. I'm not too confident with reddit so I don't usually use it. However, I would like you to tell me more about that if you do know lots about it, in the comments below.

All in all, that's the process I use 99% of the time after publishing, and I'm always wondering if I can "do it better"...

Leave and comments below and we'll see if this process can be refined more. Then I will make a new video, and delete this one and replace it. Alls good, everyone benefits.

Thanks for watching and thanks for the like!


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seconds2work Premium
Thank you I learned that I need to get more accounts like Digg, and stumble in the works
Jim-Bo Premium
WilliamBH Premium
This is great Jimbo .. great content .. I like the combination of video and notes. Cheers, William.
Jim-Bo Premium
Thanks William

did you read the disclaimer?
WilliamBH Premium
Lol yes!
Jim-Bo Premium
good to know.
JewelCarol Premium
I totally agree, William, I also love both video and notes together.:)

And Jimbo, this is an awesome training, thanks for always giving good stuff, lol.;)
Gila Premium
Thank you for sharing this is really helping.
I love your organization on your browser if you can share it with the link it will be great.
Any idea on how to automate this process?
Jim-Bo Premium
not really something I know about that will automate.

as for your first enquiry, that's in another training I made not so long back, as it happens, you lucky lucky thing you!

here is the link enjoy, Gila
KennyLee Premium
Thanks for the tutorial.

For Reddit, it really depends on the topic on your post and the subreddit you are posting in. Need to take a little time to hang out there to really know what is acceptable and not.

And Reddit gives a very huge chunk of traffic if it's the right post that for the readers. It's a good testing ground for your post.
Jim-Bo Premium
thanks for the tips, Kenny...

would love a link to a tutorial on that, if you can find one, or, better still, make a video and put it on WA for all to see?
KennyLee Premium
I'll take note on that the next time I posted something on Reddit
Karax Premium
thanks for this tutorial. very useful.
Jim-Bo Premium
Thanks buddy. Hope you read my disclaimer!!! I don't claim to know it all, see?