Below is a picture of a Vision Funnel - this is a process I use with my clients either on a personal level or in their business to work on their vision.

The first part of the Vision Funnel focuses on defining your long-term vision. The process then breaks down your vision into smaller and smaller chunk goals until you come right back to today, with the knowledge that your daily actions and habits are actually leading you towards the achievement of your long-term vision. All too often, we have a dream but because we take no action, that is exactly what it remains - a dream! It only becomes a reality if you do something about it!

Perhaps your vision is to attain financial freedom. Your aim might be to pay off your mortgage and give up the J.O.B., it might be related to saving for your children's education or it might be to travel the world and being able to work from wherever you want. Whatever your vision is, you need to be able to imagine it in vivid detail - this is the part where you create your big WHY!

With that in mind, I would encourage you to ask yourself these questions.

Standing in the place of having succeeded (at achieving my vision)...

1.What things have I achieved & what is the impact on me and those around me? 2.What does success look like?
3.What are people saying about this?
4.How am I now behaving?

5.What am I thinking?

6.What emotions do I feel?

Once you have gone through this process, you should have created a compelling vision with a really BIG WHY!

You are now ready for the next step - funnelling your vision!

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SamiWilliams Premium Plus
Thanks for the time management and goal focusing suggestions
SarahAnt Premium
Hi Sami,

Great! What one action have you committed to?

SamiWilliams Premium Plus
Staying on course! Thanks for asking
Mark1957 Premium
In our business Sarah, it's great to have "Funnel Vision"......

1 - Send leads to opening offer (free membership) =$1
2 - Free membership to paid premium membership =$8~$22 pcm
3 - Monthly Premium to Annual Membership =$175

Happy days!!
SarahAnt Premium
Yes very true Mark! And this is about making that funnel juicy and exciting... So nothing will ever stop you!
Martstervt Premium
Thanks much, I need to do this to help direct my focus meaningful advances and focus.Looking for Your Vision Tunnel.Regards
SarahAnt Premium
Thanks Martin. I certainly hope that it will be a meaningful exercise for those who read it.
fricknwill Premium
Great lesson! Having no vision or goals is like going to a gun range with no targets.
SarahAnt Premium
Yes I like your analogy. That might be rather disastrous! :)
ngraddon Premium
Inspirational blog. For me it comes at a good time as I am struggling with the focus aspect. As much as I want to make my website work I am torn with enjoying time with my wife and grandkids now that I am semi-retired. I personally have worked till the cows came home and gave up much of my personal time and life for work.

But the suggestion of taking the goals and breaking them into mini goals will work nicely for me. Thank you for this timely article.
SarahAnt Premium
Really glad it has helped! It's also important to make sure that as you break your goals down you think about the impact on you and those around you (and all areas of your life too) and that you make those goals for every area of life.

So the example I gave of having financial freedom so you can be with your family. There is no point achieving that if you ignore your family along the way and end up divorced or if you don't look after your health and you can't travel to the places you wanted to due to ill health.

So make sure as you break it down you balance your goals out too - include time with your wife and grandkids in your vision/goals/actions. So your weekly actions might include some specific things you want to do with your wife. In your annual goals you might include taking your grandkids on a holiday...

I hope that helps!

SarahAnt Premium
Good advice there - like the term "business-creep" - guilty of that from time to time!! ;-)