Congrats on completing your first writing for the web exercise! You have just successfully written 3 articles that anyone can understand and follow along with without any confusion. And now we are going to take things one step further!

Your first task for today is to write a survival guide on any subject you wish. It can be on how to survive a wedding gone wrong, how to cope with a death or diabetes, or even a simple wilderness survival guide. Write your guide in Essay form with complete sentences and correct punctuation. And then include instruction writing within your Essay. Your instructions should be clear and easy for readers to understand just like your manual.

For tips on Essay writing visit:

Task #2: Save or share your survival guide on social media.

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WilliamBH Premium
This is very good Darcy. Cheers, William.
deliriousDee Premium
Thank you very much Will!
I wish you the greatest success.
gs1954 Premium
thanks,because i'm new to the post writing,i don't yet have the problem of writers block,but when it happens,your lessons would certainly help.thanks
rich6153 Premium
Outstanding! Thank you very much.
startouched Premium
Great advice, Darcy!
Thanks for sharing with us!
kiliwia62 Premium
This training, Darcy is very helpful. Thanks, for sharing your knowledge. :)
deliriousDee Premium
Why thank you so much! You are most welcome. I wish you the best success.