Wow. You are almost done! Just 2 more exercises to go!

Now that you know how to incorporate real events into fantasy - we are going to do a very similar thing, but this time it will probably be a bit easier for you.

You are going to write as if you have been running your own successful online business for several years, and create your own biography.

This is very similar to your websites about me page, but probably a bit longer with a touch of fantasy thrown in. Write about how you got started, the obstacles you encountered along the way, and how much you love running your own business now. Write as if you are living the dream... Why? This will help you write with confidence. If you can write this, and make it sound believable, then you will be able to write ANYTHING for the web and sound like you really know your stuff. (which you do of course, but your writing will show even more confidence then before.)

You probably know what the second step is, so I won't say it this time! Have fun!!!

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WilliamBH Premium
This is very good Darcy. Cheers, William.
deliriousDee Premium
Thank you very much Will!
I wish you the greatest success.
gs1954 Premium
thanks,because i'm new to the post writing,i don't yet have the problem of writers block,but when it happens,your lessons would certainly help.thanks
rich6153 Premium
Outstanding! Thank you very much.
startouched Premium
Great advice, Darcy!
Thanks for sharing with us!
kiliwia62 Premium
This training, Darcy is very helpful. Thanks, for sharing your knowledge. :)
deliriousDee Premium
Why thank you so much! You are most welcome. I wish you the best success.