Wow... Right now you should start things off by giving yourself a well deserved pat on the back! Learning how to write for the web quickly is no easy task. And you have already accomplished a great deal. So far you have created 3 instruction articles that anyone can understand, and have transformed your instruction writing into Essay form. All very important stuff! If your website readers find your articles choppy and hard to understand, then they may go elsewhere. But not to worry! That won't happen to you. After a few more exercises you will be able to get your thoughts down on paper without much hassle. Are you ready to continue? This next finger exercise is more fun. It is designed to help unleash your creative writing side. Here we go!

Step 1: Write A Fictional Story Using People, Events and Settings you know.

Fairly self explanatory right? You are basically writing a short story based on real events and incorporating them into a fantasy setting. J.R.R. Tolkien is an excellent example of an author who has done that... many times. I am sure most of you are familiar with the Lord of the Rings films? If so, you probably know that there are based on Tolkien's Book Trilogy. And Tolkien based a majority of that story on his experience in the War. He based emotions and character personalities on real people. Some were based on family members and others were based on War buddies.

I do this exercise quite a bit. Once I start writing fantasy stories, I can write almost anything! I recommend making the story at least 1000 words long. Don't worry. It may seem like a lot, but once you get going it will seem like know time at all. To get started, you can start off by making a story web:

Are you ready? 1,2,3 GO!

Step #2: Save or share on social media as always ;)

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WilliamBH Premium
This is very good Darcy. Cheers, William.
deliriousDee Premium
Thank you very much Will!
I wish you the greatest success.
gs1954 Premium
thanks,because i'm new to the post writing,i don't yet have the problem of writers block,but when it happens,your lessons would certainly help.thanks
rich6153 Premium
Outstanding! Thank you very much.
startouched Premium
Great advice, Darcy!
Thanks for sharing with us!
kiliwia62 Premium
This training, Darcy is very helpful. Thanks, for sharing your knowledge. :)
deliriousDee Premium
Why thank you so much! You are most welcome. I wish you the best success.