Author TimMcKinlay
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So, this may seem unimportant to some people, but I see that the introduction to Wealthy Affiliate is Tim McKinlay in the video, but then when I scrolled down further to get started, there are 2 different owners of Wealthy Affiliate. Where does Tim fit into the scheme of things. is he still part of the business?

So sorry! I know I'm too detail-oriented sometimes!
TimMcKinlay Premium Plus
Hi Debbie. Not at all, that is a good question and the answer is I'm a member of Wealthy Affiliate just like anyone else. I'm also the person who referred you to the platform.

So, as Abie pointed out, I will be your Premium Coach if you decide to upgrade to Premium, which means you can reach out to me personally for help building your business and you get some bonuses I've created especially for my referrals.

I've created a video that goes into more detail on who I am, how to navigate the Wealthy Affiliate platform, and how to claim your bonuses: What's in it for me? I am an affiliate of WA. So I earn a small commission recommending this platform to others as an affiliate. This isn't the only way I earn commissions, but it's one of the ways. And the reason I recommend Wealthy Affiliate is that it works; this is the platform that showed me how to earn my first commission online with Amazon.

Anyway, I hope this answers your question. And by all means, reach out if there's anything else you're unsure of. More than happy to help you out.


English isn't my first language and writing a catchy 1000+ word article for the purpose of marketing isn't my strong point. Is it possible to be successful in this arena?

YvonneBray Premium
Writing in English is not the only option; you can write in your own language and convert it to English. You can also do videos on YouTube or do Podcasts and place the link on your website.
Hackerist Premium
Absolutely, you can write in your native language but since the training is in English, you still need to have an intermediate or advanced level of English listening and reading

I’m trusting this because I want to be able to support my family, is this consistently reliable?
BrieKraus Premium
After time it can be. Please be aware that it takes time, hard work, and patience.
Hackerist Premium
It will take time before you see your first commissions. You need to follow WA training, take consistent action such as writing 2 or 3 1,000+ word posts weekly. Other factors that speed up your results are goal setting, the right mindset, discipline, etc.
WA is not a get-rich-quick scheme, so don’t expect to make money overnight.

Thank you, yes I’m willing to be patient and determined I just want it to be worth it in the end
Hackerist Premium
You’re welcome. If you follow the above and are so determined, see you at the top!
Angell70 Premium
Hi Tim, love your explanation. let's keep going. splendid. just through my passions niches, I've zero commission. so, maybe I should go to promote WA.
Thank you
TimMcKinlay Premium Plus
Hey, you can be just as, if not more, successful with a niche site as you can promoting WA, so you definitely don't have to promote WA. What I recommend is sticking with a niche you're interested in, whatever that may be, because that will set you up for success.

Reason being, the more interested in the topic you are, the more effort you'll put in to your site, and the more traffic and sales you're likely to get as a result. You're also far more likely to go the distance when you're enjoying what you're doing.

Anyways thanks for dropping by and reach out if you need anything going forward. :)

Angell70 Premium
Thank you Tim for getting back to me, thank you for your support. Is mean a lot to me, unemployed and awaiting for online passive income that's crazy and pretty reckless I know but this is just, me.
Thank you &blessings; to you and your family
Hi Tim, Greetings. I stumbled upon your site by chance. Read thorugh the page in details. I am just looking forward to augment my income a little bit on top of what i do now. I do have a 9-5 job which i will obviously keep as i like what i do. Can you please help me getting into what you are doing now? Also where do I start?