Wealth file #8

Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value.

Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.

This has been one of my biggest mindset shifts on my own road to financial freedom.

I have had limiting beliefs about selling and promoting myself in the past and I still don’t like those pushy sales people at shopping centres.

But if you want to get rich you have to get out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there.

If you had a cure for cancer but no-one knew about it because you were afraid to promote it, how would that make you feel?

It is all about value.

If I truly believe I have something to offer of value, that can actually help another person, I have no problem in selling or promoting it… and neither should you!

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RobinA8181 Premium
Nice job John! Great visuals and use of bolding. Easy to read, informational and inspirational!
johnwnewman Premium
Thanks!! Glad you liked it! :-)
fairo Premium
True, true
johnwnewman Premium
Thanks! :-)
SadieChan Premium
Probably these are also the reason why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Another reason would the be risk factor. One must have the courage to take risk when opportunity comes. Regards Sadie.
johnwnewman Premium
Definitely Sadie!
To make a change you need to take a chance :-)
Funkydunc208 Premium
Thank you, John. Interesting training. I am sure it will benefit many.
johnwnewman Premium
Thanks :-)
Funkydunc208 Premium
I hate the tall poppy syndrome that exists in Australia. It is one of the reasons I got out of the country for a year and lived in Asia.
johnwnewman Premium
Yes it is very easy to criticise.
I think maybe that by cutting other people down it makes it easier to justify why you haven't strived for more yourself.
Much easier to sit in your comfort zone and try to bring people back to your level!
Funkydunc208 Premium
The tall poppy syndrome reflects a person's insecurity with life.
johnwnewman Premium