Online money making sounded great to me. I liked what I was learning and it grew from there. ‘Maybe I could do this’ thoughts began to float in my head. All the other online things I tried in the past had failed right away.

I was unable able to see scams until I wasted money. I know many if not most of you have gone through these same things so forgive me if it is repetitive to you, but I have a point, really.

I don’t say this with any desire to contradict the training here. I am hoping it adds to it.

I am not trying to sound like a know it all, please don’t misunderstand my intent. I’ve been around for 61 years now, and have tried many different business ideas. Some have worked. Most have not or I wouldn’t be here now. So after some of the WA training many of us might be in one of the following mindsets.

  1. I am willing to do this online money making thing until it gets boring.
  2. I’ll do it until the year is over.
  3. I’ll give it a year.
  4. I can commit to it as long as it doesn’t get in the way of my other commitments.
  5. I will do this no matter what roadblocks come my way.
  6. I know it’s tough at first, but I can plow through it unless (xxxx) happens.

Any of these mindsets are fine. It is what it is, and it will help you to know. It may even cause you to consider changing your mindset.

I’m only suggesting that we be very honest with ourselves. I wasn’t and it cost me.

We can make the full commitment I’m talking about if we know where we are and have a willingness to make a change of heart so the commitment we make is strong and will get us through any tough times we may have with online work.

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NScholz Premium
I am still struggling with this
PaulHuggins1 Premium
I hear you, I ran into problems with it myself.
I know my personal limits and distractions at this point in my life. With that knowledge, I was able to make the full 'whatever it takes however long it takes' commitment to make this work.

I know there will still be days that are hard, but the commitment is close in my thoughts and it gets me past the tough spots.
heljam404A Premium
Thanks, I appreciate it.
PaulHuggins1 Premium
You're welcome.
mystyle Premium
I am really with you Paul
PaulHuggins1 Premium
Thank you for the support.
QAVAVO Premium
Still at the lower rungs
PaulHuggins1 Premium
One inch at a time and you'll get there.
Laurel0887 Premium
I'm with you.............

PaulHuggins1 Premium
Thank you Laurel.