The businesses I tried online before WA were all the same in one category; they were all fun at the beginning. Then reality set in. Suddenly the day to day fun becomes the same old same old chores. They all failed and the primary reason is I quit when it got tough because I did not fully commit to them.

That’s not easy to admit my friends but it’s true. My point to you is= If we begin this Wealthy Affiliate project with the right mindset we make it. Most don’t. Kyle believes in us; In his level one online certification training he talks about how (1) Anyone Can Accomplish Success Online.

I’m sure you have heard it before but numbers like 85-95% are thrown about as the failure rate for new businesses on or offline. Is it all about mindset? Is mindset the full foundation?

There are some other parts to a full business foundation like the training and community support we are getting here, but one thing that is consistent with successful people; they often say if they had simply stuck with it earlier in their journey they would have made it so much sooner.

Sticking with it comes from the right mindset. It comes from a well thought out foundation with a mindset of commitment for your business.

Jack Nicklaus was asked why he won so many major golf titles and he said; “I could play my game longer than they could.” To me that means he kept going with his plan no matter what. If he saw someone getting ahead of him, he didn’t panic, he kept playing his game.

So why not just do that with this online business idea?

What is the right mindset that helps us stay the course? There are as many different answers to that one as there are amateur philosophers. I think it boils down to ‘whatever it takes as long as it takes.’ Jack Nicklaus had a plan that worked for him. He stuck to his plan no matter what. Let’s do that too.

I’ve watched several players who were on the way to winning a major golf title lose it at the end because they changed their plan. One thought he needed a birdie on the final hole to be assured of a win. He bogeyed the hole and lost by one.

I saw one golf pro who was certain of winning with a 2 shot lead coming to the last hole of the British Open and he decided to finish with style and tried to blast a drive long and double bogeyed the hole then lost in a playoff. Stick to your plan no matter what.

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NScholz Premium
I am still struggling with this
PaulHuggins1 Premium
I hear you, I ran into problems with it myself.
I know my personal limits and distractions at this point in my life. With that knowledge, I was able to make the full 'whatever it takes however long it takes' commitment to make this work.

I know there will still be days that are hard, but the commitment is close in my thoughts and it gets me past the tough spots.
heljam404A Premium
Thanks, I appreciate it.
PaulHuggins1 Premium
You're welcome.
mystyle Premium
I am really with you Paul
PaulHuggins1 Premium
Thank you for the support.
QAVAVO Premium
Still at the lower rungs
PaulHuggins1 Premium
One inch at a time and you'll get there.
Laurel0887 Premium
I'm with you.............

PaulHuggins1 Premium
Thank you Laurel.