The Funneling Process

We can funnel in at least two ways:

1. We can send folks directly to the vendor.

2. We can send folks to our website to warm them up to clicking our our links.

An example of the first is to like I do every now and then. I go to Aweber and send a broadcast for my list there. I can send them to my website or I can send them right to an affiliate site. Such broadcast are similar to a blog.

Now, I like to blog, as some of you already know. I can’t keep my fingers off the blasted keyboard. With a blog, I’m always blogging from one of my WordPress sites. Everybody knows where the blog is coming from and they may visit my site. But I may also have a direct link to a vendor in my blog.

Sending Folks to Our Website

Google snaps into the picture when we put anything on the net. Google is looking for good and relevant information. That means that if a person wants to know about growing carrots, he is not interested in buying carrots. So if you put “growing carrots” on your webpage as a keyword in a meta file or such when your site is not about growing carrots, you will end up on page 74 of the “growing carrots” search results.

Most of us write articles to get traffic to our site. It use to be that article writers could link directly to a vendor. A lot of people made money in just that way. But now you must like to more information of relevance from your article. That is usually your web page. There you should have links to more good infomation. You should only think about your readers and their needs, not affiliate commissions.

When I write articles and blogs, I always send out to the social sites. WordPress has a Plugin for this which saves lots of time. You can see this process in action on this site. Go ahead, click away!

There are a number of ways to send folks to your website. I use classified ads at time. One ad has been running for years. I wrote a tutorial on this if you go to my page. You should have business cards with your URL on them. If you look at the back of my car, you will see

You can add a toll free number to a classified where your “canned message” can tell folks more about your site.

You should look for business opportunities in your areas. There is nothing like having proprietary products or products of your own creation.

Next: Keywords and Stuff

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JazziOne2015 Premium
Great analogy Sir!