What is Our Objective?

O.K. I mentioned a single funnel. Often we need two funnels. They are:

1. The one we use to funnel visitors to our website.

2. The one we use to funnel from our website to the vendor’s site.

Example: I funnel folks to my AAAFlagpoles.com site hoping they will buy a flagpole.

Example: I funnel folks to my InternetBusinessToolCenter where I hope to warm them up to clicking on some of my affiliate links.

So what is our true objective? If it is to get people to click on our affiliate links, then the vendor site is all important to us. It is not our job to sell. It is are job to supply relevant information to a keyword search. It is the vendor’s job to sell.

So Next, lets talk about Sites That Do the Selling.

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JazziOne2015 Premium
Great analogy Sir!