Which one should I set as my opening page?
It depends on what kind of a site you have. If I visit your site and I need a page to explain what the site is all about and such then I would use a static page.
I have a payday loan site that offers one service and I need my opening page to explain that service right up front so I use a static page.
I use the blog roll as a news blog with all the current payday loan industry news.
If I can clearly see what the site is about just by the header then I would use a blog roll.
This is a decision you will have to make for yourself.
Next, let's take a look at how to create a home page with first a static page and then a blog roll.
let's take a look at my test site one, this site is set up with a static front page and a blog roll on a tab in the header menu.
Here is the site : Test Site One
Lets take a look at my test Site Two. This site has the blog roll for the opening page and the home page is a page on the header menu.
Here is the site: Test Site Two