Pretty easy huh?

That's really all there is to it. I use Squidoo just for eBay and Amazon Affiliate links but you can use it for whatever your little heart desires! Don't stop now, make another and another....and another! There is no limit to how many lenses you can create!

The only thing stopping you is time and energy. I hope this very simple guide saved you some time and energy and helped you get your first Squidoo site up. If you have any questions or comments at all, I would appreciate them at your convenience.

- John

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mpg608 Premium
Thanx, very helpful info.
idm Premium
Dig it.
wa4leah Premium
Dig it.
Revelation Premium
First quick guide I have made here. :D Don't kick me too much! >.
Tiger7F168 Premium
First quick guide I have made here. :D Don't kick me too much! >.