Cool, we have a lens. Now what?
Get to work. Once you clicked on the link to secure that lens, you know "own" it - if you will. The page is yours to use and edit. So let's edit it and get something we can advertise!
I will cover three simple things that you can quickly do to build your lens and get it on the web quickly, but will not go into the "how do I build it" part. There are other tutorials for that. If you are already having trouble working with Squidoo or are lost, this tutorial might not be detailed enough for you. There are many others here on WA. Ok, three simple things:
  1. Relevant Material:
  2. Add at least 4 Modules:
  3. Keywords, keywords, keywords!
Relevant Material:
If you want your lens to get to the front of Squidoo or any other search engine, you must build your lens with "relevant material". All that that means is that what is on the page matches the title, subtitles, images, and keywords. If your lens is about Big Screen TVs, keep the whole page about them. Don't start writing about Purple Elephants in the Amazon. Keep it relevant!
Add at least 4 Modules:
Other people's articles that I have read say to use 3 modules. I say 4, and here is why. I first started by adding 3 modules to my lenses. That was fine but I noticed that in the first 24 hours that they did not come up high by my standards on Squidoo. Some were in 150,000 place overall. I wanted better. I added just 1 module to all of my lenses and noticed that I jumped to around 80,000 overall and some of mine landed in the top 3,000 spot. So again, go with at least 4 in my opinion.
Keywords, keywords, keywords!
I can't stress this enough - use the right keywords!!! So, how do I know what are the right keywords John? Stop crying you baby! :) Here at the WA site, they have supplied us with some awesome and powerful keyword tools. Just scroll up on the top of this page in the menu bar and look for "Tools & Research". In that menu is the "Keyword Research Tool". It is a very powerful too. On a side note, I also use Google AdWords Keyword Tool too just to verify my list. But the list here is plenty powerful enough - maybe more so!
Side note: SAVE YOUR WORK! Top right-hand side of the page. Do yourself a favor and save often.
One other thing, use eBay and Amazon modules a lot! These things are a mini-goldmine just waiting and asking for you to add them. No matter what you put on your lens, just add one of these to the bottom and
possibly draw in some "lurker" type buyers that are out surfing the web. We are fishing folks!

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mpg608 Premium
Thanx, very helpful info.
idm Premium
Dig it.
wa4leah Premium
Dig it.
Revelation Premium
First quick guide I have made here. :D Don't kick me too much! >.
Tiger7F168 Premium
First quick guide I have made here. :D Don't kick me too much! >.