Ok, the work isn't really done yet. Sorry to burst your bubble!
Squidoo has a really cool tool built right into it that checks the health of your lens. If you haven't noticed it already, it is at the top of your lens page when you are editing it and says HEALTH with a little heart right next to it. Cool huh? Just click on it and start altering what it tells you to alter.
Couple of notes about HEALTH:
  • There are many levels or grades of good and bad lenses. Aim for a ranking of "Good" or better when you first start building. You will quickly learn how to make changes to your lens to get "Great" ratings. That's the goal!
  • Images need to be renamed prior to uploading. Name them something like your lens topic. (ex: bigscreentvs.jpg)
  • Keywords...sigh. Already spoke about this but this is a major player in your building of a good lens. Refine your keywords, use the Keyword Tool here, and use at least 10 in my opinion. 15 would be a good number to aim for.
  • Update often. After you save your lens and publish it, you can come back as often as you like to make changes and updates. Doing so helps keep your page in good "health".
Use these tips to refine your lens and get it to rank higher in the standings. Higher the rank, the more people see it, the more chances you have to make money! Get to refining your new baby!

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mpg608 Premium
Thanx, very helpful info.
idm Premium
Dig it.
wa4leah Premium
Dig it.
Revelation Premium
First quick guide I have made here. :D Don't kick me too much! >.
Tiger7F168 Premium
First quick guide I have made here. :D Don't kick me too much! >.