In Conclusion...

While this is not an in-depth, 'learn everything' about Squidoo tutorial, it is the solid basics you will need to learn how to utilize the power of the Squidoo site.

You always need to learn to walk before you can run!

Here is the Squidoo lens I made while creating this tutorial if you'd like to see it as an example of a basic Squidoo lens:

Please Note -

At the time of this writing, all info and images are accurate (with exception of the discovery tool tab in a few images) . One thing I can tell you with absolute certainty is that Squidoo will change.

I have been working on Squidoo since early 2007 and things have changed a lot as Squidoo has grown and as the internet changes and grows.

Squidoo HQ makes subtle changes every day so it is quite possible that when you go to make your first lens that some of the images here might be a bit different, or something I said is found on the right might suddenly be on the left.

Regardless of any subtle interface changes, the basics of making a Squidoo lens do not change. So please keep an open mind, and open eyes, when looking for something I referred to in this tutorial.


Please be sure to always review the TOS (Terms of Service) for ANY site you choose to work on. The rules on any "free to use" website will change as the site changes.

As of this writing, Squidoo is frowning on weight loss topics, natural 'cure' topics, and blatant 'make money online' advertising type lenses. Squidoo has the ability (and every right) to lock or delete any lens they think is breaking their TOS.

So PLEASE be sure you are clear on the current rules of any site before you put any effort into a topic you are thinking of writing about.

Best of luck!



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Yavor Premium
I've been messing with Squidoo for a while and can't seem to get the hang of it. This resource will help I'm sure.
Maxboy Premium
Hi Jennifer, Just finished completing my first squidoo lens after watching your videos. Your video tutorials are awesome!
091854 Premium
Very very helpful so far.
CMunson Premium
Very very helpful so far.
radikian Premium
I finally got to launch my first project and my first squidoo lens ever!!! thnx a lot! gold donation for thee, most gracious Lady!