16. Search links on websites
link: xxxxxx
By using the link operator you can check which sites have a link to the relevant website or web page.
However, this operator is very unreliable and will not show all the links that Google knows.
17. Search between 2 options
xxxxxx OR xxxxxx
To find pages that contain the search term A or the search term B, use the operator 'OR' (in capital letters) between the search terms (with space).
For example, if you want to search for a holiday in Amsterdam or Rome, enter the following: Holiday Amsterdam OR Rome.
18. Search stocks
stocks: xxxxxx
With the stock operator you ask Google to provide information about the stock exchange listings and the shares of companies and companies. For example: stocks: AEX
19. Search cache
cache: xxxxxx
Google stores a copy of each web page (a cache). With the cache operator you can retrieve the last saved version of a web page.
When you enter additional keywords, they will appear in bold and in a striking color on the cached page.
20. Search info
info: xxxxxx
With this operator you will find all kinds of information about a particular site.
For example, the search info: www.wealthyaffiliate.com provides information about websites that show similarities with the WA-site,
shows sites that link to info: www.wealthyaffiliate.com, shows all pages of the WA-site and shows sites in which the term info: www.wealthyaffiliate.com occurs.
21. Search Hashtags
Put <strong># </strong>
in front of a word. For example: #wealthyaffiliate
22. Search Social Media
Put <strong>@</strong>
in front of a word to search social media. For example: @facebook and @twitter and Google will direct you to their homepage.
I sincerely hope you all will benefit from these Google searching formats.
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OK I know those ones but for the ones I don't know I use 'define'.
Lots of search terms here I'm not familiar with Loes :)