6. Ignore words


By using the minus sign (-) you can exclude certain words in your search.
Imagine you are looking for information about sugar, but you do not want to dig through all the sites with recipes that contain a scoop of sugar.
Google than sugar -recipe. As a result, all sites with the word 'recipe' are ignored.

7. Search site

keyword site: xxxxxx

Not all sites have their own search function. You can use Google to search all pages of one specific website by entering the desired search term (s), followed by the word 'site:' and the relevant domain name. For example: You are looking for an online job. Your search will look like this: online job site: https: //workathomefuture.com

Even with sites that do have their own search function, it is worth using the site operator. Google often finds more hits than the search function on the site itself.

To view all indexed pages on your own site type your site:https: //workathomefuture.com

With the site operator you can also limit your search to a specific domain.
For example:
site: edu searches only on sites of American universities (scientific),
site: mil searches only on sites of the American defense (military)
site: int searches on sites of international organizations (regulations eg EU and UN).

8. Search in title

intitle: xxxxxx

With the help of the intitle operator you give Google the assignment to search only in the titles of a web page.
For example: the search avoid scams online yields 5,200,000 hits.
The query intitle: avoid scams online only provides 9 sites, namely only those websites that have the word 'avoid scams online' in the title bar.

9. Search allintitle

allintitle: xxxxxx

You can use allintitle: with multiple search terms.
For example: the search allintitle: Kyle and Carson only provides websites that have the name 'Kyle and Carson' in the title bar.
Chances are that these sites for the most part about Kyle and Carson.

10. Search inurl

inurl: xxxxxx

With the inurl operator you give Google the command to display only results with the keyword in the address bar of the website (the url).

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Dhind1 Premium Plus
Great information. I only knew a couple of these. Thanks.
Loes Premium
Glad I could show you some new stuff Alexander
MKearns Premium
Amazing . One of the great saves from you Loes. Who knew?
Loes Premium
I just stumbled on this yesterday, Michael:)
JwYach Premium
Great info, many of these I have forgotten,

thanks - John Y
Loes Premium
You're welcome John
MarionBlack Premium
I've been using 'define' without the ':' for a long time. It's particularly useful when I don't know what letters stand for e.g. WTF, OMG, BBQ etc.

OK I know those ones but for the ones I don't know I use 'define'.

Lots of search terms here I'm not familiar with Loes :)
Loes Premium
Glad I could teach you something:)
MarionBlack Premium
You always do :)
ScottStogner Premium
very interesting and good to know. thanks, Loes.
Loes Premium
Glad you like it Scott:)