Download options

Once your photo has successfully been saved you have a number of different options. Choose the most appropriate for you.

I would always preview your image to see whether you are happy with it or not.

No this isn't my poor photography. I selected the oil painting if you remember and wasn't able to tell before I saved it what it looked like. It's not what I wanted so I started again.

Advanced Settings

If you would like to make further changes to your picture - select the 'Advanced Settings' and you can play around with a number of features there. Save when you've finished.

Picture ready for use

Whether you have chosen to use the advanced features or not you now have a picture to load to Street Articles or use on your website.

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ninjaflow Premium
Thanks Beverley. Exactly what I needed to learn today. :)
BIS Premium
Good - thank you
findingemo Premium
Hi Beverley,

Nice training. Very useful and seems quite easy. I'll be using this now that I've a bunch of pictures from the BigStock promo to play around with.

Thanks for sharing.

-Patty :)

P.S. Linus is ADORABLE! He couldn't get any cuter if he tried. That face is so sweet with his big brown his coloring too. :)
BIS Premium
Thanks Patty. You know who would hate this - but it's just a simple tool that does some work very easily. I used it myself the other day when I wanted something very quickly!
Thank you for the excellent information. I am in learning overload right now and you have helped me solve one of my brain freezes
BIS Premium
Thank you. I'm glad you found it useful. For a simple tool it's great.
Thank you Beverley! Very helpful indeed! I like your Doggy!
BIS Premium
Thank you. Glad you found it useful. I'm rather fond of him too!
misshugh Premium
Very helpful Beverly, I have used this several times since you first told me about it and it is newbe friendly. Thanks for your posts always useful!
BIS Premium
Thanks. Glad you've found it useful to use. When you're starting out some of these simple tools are invaluable.