2) Your readers spend a short time on your website

    It still boils down to creating engaging content. The time spent by readers on your page is a reflection of how much they enjoy reading your content. If they find your content engaging; they will spend more than two minutes on your website.

    You can always check this on Google analytics. It will give you an overview of how long your audience are spending on your website. If they don’t spend time on your blog, it is time you begin to take a look at your content, restructure and rewrite where possible.

    3) Poor Engagement rate

      Now we look at engagement in terms of likes, share and comments. The rate of engagement is a reflection of how much of your content is consumed by your audience. When your website users share, like or comment on your post, you are happy. It is a reflection of how appealing your content has been to your audience.

      If you are not receiving enough comment or shares, there is no point to worry. It only calls for an improvement in strategy. There are a few things you can still do to get out of this.

      1. Ensure you are not producing quantity at the expense of quality. You might have to reduce the pace at which you release content and concentrate on revamping your skills and existing content
      2. Discover and write in your unique language. Stand out in the crowd, be unique.
      3. Push out your content. No one lights a candle and place it under a table. Everyone tries to sell his or her product. Push out your product consistently.

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      Ahimbe Premium
      You have fully engaged me with this training and now know which signals to block the moment they show. Thank you.
      Parameter Premium
      I am glad this will help you watch to know when things could be going wrong

      lesabre Premium
      Thank you for the training lesson Ayodeji.

      Parameter Premium
      You welcome Michael, I am glad you found it engagong

      YvonneBray Premium
      Great Blog, I totally agree it affects all our engagements.
      Parameter Premium

      Effective marketing strategies is essential for blog promotion

      Israel17 Premium
      Of course, poor engagement rate is capable of pulling down content marketing endeavors if nothing is done on time to improve on that area. Your tutorial is full of vital and useful points for every content marketer that wants to succeed.
      Parameter Premium

      Yes Israel, our rate of engagement is one of the best metrics to check the effectiveness of content marketing strategies
