4) Poor Conversion Rate

    We have considered engagement in detail, but what is the outcome? Are they just generating leads and no sales? If it is good and sale is poor then you need to check your strategy.

    Your attention should be drawn first to your call- to action (CTA). It is the point where your audience are encouraged to take action. It is where you instruct what they should do to get what they want. If your CTA is not clear on the actions for your audience you may lose their attention. Another point you should check is your strategic landing pages. How is it converting?

    5) Your word of Mouth Marketing

      It may account for a little fraction of your marketing effort. But you know people generally trust testimonies of friend and family more than paid adverts. Gaining an audience through this means is based on your relationships (PR) with your audience.

      At times, not taking good care of personal relationships may be the only reason why your effort is not yielding results.

      You should respond to enquiries, comment and solve problems from your customers. Even when the comments are negative, resolve it and see it as an opportunity to make a sale. Establishing new and improving existing relationships will bring your desired results.

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      Ahimbe Premium
      You have fully engaged me with this training and now know which signals to block the moment they show. Thank you.
      Parameter Premium
      I am glad this will help you watch to know when things could be going wrong

      lesabre Premium
      Thank you for the training lesson Ayodeji.

      Parameter Premium
      You welcome Michael, I am glad you found it engagong

      YvonneBray Premium
      Great Blog, I totally agree it affects all our engagements.
      Parameter Premium

      Effective marketing strategies is essential for blog promotion

      Israel17 Premium
      Of course, poor engagement rate is capable of pulling down content marketing endeavors if nothing is done on time to improve on that area. Your tutorial is full of vital and useful points for every content marketer that wants to succeed.
      Parameter Premium

      Yes Israel, our rate of engagement is one of the best metrics to check the effectiveness of content marketing strategies
