6) Losing Customers to Cheaper alternatives

    When your customers leave your products for cheaper alternatives, it shows something is wrong in your marketing strategy. You are not conveying the value of your product. When the don’t see why they should pay the extra for your product, they move to cheaper alternatives.

    It is time to take a look at your marketing strategy and help your client see why they should buy your product.

    7) No New Clients

      No new clients What of if you are not gaining new customers? You might be retaining your old clients, but not gaining new clients. It is not a good indication any way, but it is an indication for a change in strategy.

      You might need to engage research on your target audience, the appropriate demographics you should target, rediscover where they are located. Are they on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or where?

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      Ahimbe Premium
      You have fully engaged me with this training and now know which signals to block the moment they show. Thank you.
      Parameter Premium
      I am glad this will help you watch to know when things could be going wrong

      lesabre Premium
      Thank you for the training lesson Ayodeji.

      Parameter Premium
      You welcome Michael, I am glad you found it engagong

      YvonneBray Premium
      Great Blog, I totally agree it affects all our engagements.
      Parameter Premium

      Effective marketing strategies is essential for blog promotion

      Israel17 Premium
      Of course, poor engagement rate is capable of pulling down content marketing endeavors if nothing is done on time to improve on that area. Your tutorial is full of vital and useful points for every content marketer that wants to succeed.
      Parameter Premium

      Yes Israel, our rate of engagement is one of the best metrics to check the effectiveness of content marketing strategies
