There are three aspects of Wealthy Affiliate content that you can shared.
Some people (or yourself) may want to keep content private within the community. This can be managed within the exact training, blog post, or within your profile. Content by default is set to on, but you can edit your training and blog post share settings within the actual editor.
Here are the examples of turning it on and off.
If you want to turn Sharing OFF....
If you want to turn it ON....
There may be some instances where you don’t want to share something or you want to keep it exclusive to WA only, which is completely fine. You will lose the reach and the potential of your content, but don't feel obliged to share if it is something that is personal and you want to keep private to your fellow members here at WA. :)
I personally want my content to be shared. It will build my following (as we will describe in a later section), will lead to branding, credibility and far more engagement within my actual content. Also, when I leave my content open to sharing, I can also share it myself (outside of WA) which is the ultimate leverage of being able to generate referrals.
If someone is engaged enough to try to navigate to other pages on Wealthy Affiliate, chances are they will be very interested in taking advantage of the Starter Membership here which does not cost a dime.
1. Training
The FIRST PAGE of any given tutorial here at Wealthy Affiliate can be shared. So if you are sharing a video tutorial, the video will be able to be viewed from the outside world with no issues as videos are only one page. If you share a "text" based tutorial, then only the first page of a tutorial will be visible.
This will represent a sense of "I want more" to the people externally that are visiting a training resource. The first page will give them a taste of what they can expect but in order to see the rest they will have to sign-up for free. Sharing training will result in a lot of referrals!2. Blogs
All blog post content can be shared in their entirety. Upon sharing a blog post, people will be able to read the content and the associated comments. There is a good deal of valuable blog posts within Wealthy Affiliate that can be leveraged. People love reading quality and there is a lot of "share" potential with blog content.3. Profiles
Profiles are by default shareable to the outside world. This does carry a lot of benefit if you want to prove that you are an actual member of the community (can lead to much higher conversions) and can allow you to invite people to "join you at Wealthy Affiliate". Both are very powerful propositions and profiles should utilized in your marketing activities.Turning Your Content Sharing On/Off
Some people (or yourself) may want to keep content private within the community. This can be managed within the exact training, blog post, or within your profile. Content by default is set to on, but you can edit your training and blog post share settings within the actual editor.
Here are the examples of turning it on and off.
If you want to turn Sharing OFF....
If you want to turn it ON....
There may be some instances where you don’t want to share something or you want to keep it exclusive to WA only, which is completely fine. You will lose the reach and the potential of your content, but don't feel obliged to share if it is something that is personal and you want to keep private to your fellow members here at WA. :)
I personally want my content to be shared. It will build my following (as we will describe in a later section), will lead to branding, credibility and far more engagement within my actual content. Also, when I leave my content open to sharing, I can also share it myself (outside of WA) which is the ultimate leverage of being able to generate referrals.
What Happens If Someone Tries to Click on Another Page?
If someone tries to click on any link (other than the share buttons at the top), they are going to be presented with an offer to "join" WA for a free. Here is an example of this:If someone is engaged enough to try to navigate to other pages on Wealthy Affiliate, chances are they will be very interested in taking advantage of the Starter Membership here which does not cost a dime.
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Hi guys, I've had WealthyAffiliate bookmarked in my browser for over a year now, but have failed to sign up due to lack of time! Now that is not an issue, I'm motivated and excited to learn as many concepts and viewpoints on marketing as I can. Thanks for this opportunity, and I look forward to learning!
Awesome training Kyle, thank you so much. This is definitely a golden opportunity to be pursued. Thanks K&C to you both. The sample schedule is a very nice bonus, one question, could you elaborate on "Share your email link to this post in at least 5 places"
for some reason I don't quite understand that one, I may be overthinking it though.
for some reason I don't quite understand that one, I may be overthinking it though.
You guys (Kyle & Carson) Have been very busy producing great content to help us all. This sounds like a wonderful opportunity for WA as well as members of WA... I will be honored to do my part. (smile) "getter Done!" -- Larry the cable guy
I have always been amazed at the volume and quality of information here at WA. Sharing will only enable more to benefit from the knowledge. People are able to create their own opinions from information viewed - true seller. Another very welcomed change.
sounds like a great idea, i know i'm gonna take advantage of the sharing :)
(off topic) been a long time since being logged on here and wondering...what happened to the WA blog theme setup that was available way back? and the report and emails to give away from blog also?
site looks alot nicer now too :)
(off topic) been a long time since being logged on here and wondering...what happened to the WA blog theme setup that was available way back? and the report and emails to give away from blog also?
site looks alot nicer now too :)