SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a skill that should be within every Internet marketers repertoire. Not only does it focus on the optimization of the content on web pages, it gives marketers the ability to get traffic for free. Free traffic is also known as the best type of traffic!

So what is SEO?

Here is the definition from our WAPedia (Internet Marketing Encyclopedia).

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, the process of readying a website to be listed well in search engines. Several factors are involved in making a site search engine friendly including the design and content of the site, Meta tags and Link Popularity.

SEO has been around since the inception of search engines. However, the algorithms have taken a huge shift since then as companies like Google, Yahoo, Bing and others attempt to make their search results the most relevant to users. This means that SEO is quickly changing and in order to stay current (and stay ranked), you need to be on your toes.

Why is SEO Important?

There are many reasons why SEO is important for not only marketers, but large company brands as well. First is a free way to obtain traffic. Although SEO is not the most stable form of marketing as search engines regularly shift their rankings, it yields the highest profit. No charges for traffic equate to all profit, thus making it very appealing for marketers to work hard towards optimizing their websites, blogs or articles.

For many companies (us included), it is very important for them to rank high under their product/brand and related keywords. For example, we strive to be ranked under the term "Wealthy Affiliate" so that when someone searches for information about our company, we are the first thing they see. It could be harmful for companies if they are not particular because outside marketing efforts drive people to search engines. If they are not getting the company site, then they are likely reading about them on a blog or another website (which can either be a good or bad thing).

Different Mediums of SEO

There are different types of SEO. This may seem confusing, but the application of SEO differs depending on what your goal is and the medium in which you are optimizing pages. The main ones are:

  • Website
  • Articles (leveraging someone else's website)
  • Blog

These are going to be discussed in more detail within this tutorial. We are also going to be elaborating on complimentary techniques and strategies that can help propel your search engine listings, along with the initial research component (where it all starts).

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Good Stuff Carson.
wald Premium
"The 6 Important Ranking Factors" - there are only 5 listed on the Creating Content That Ranks tab as of this date
elizadeen Premium
"The 6 Important Ranking Factors" - there are only 5 listed on the Creating Content That Ranks tab as of this date
Outyonder Premium
Nice intro to SEO!
Ridemx Premium
Nice intro to SEO!