Building links is becoming more important aspect toward obtaining high search engine rankings. Google and other Search Engines have taken the approach that if you have a lot of "related" sites linking to you, your site must provide a lot of value. They then took this a step further weighing the importance on "one way" links. If a site is linking to you and their is no reciprocation involved, then your site must be really good.

Therefore, when seeking out SEO linking strategies, it is important that you seek out ONE WAY links. Thus we do not recommend link exchanges where reciprocation links to your site are involved unless they promote one way links.

Finding One Way Links

The finding part is not the tough part, it is the linking part. Finding relevant sites is a piece of cake...finding a way to get a link from their site to yours can become a bit more of a difficult task. Because of this, we are going to provide you with ways in which you can get one way links with a fair bit of ease. This does not require you to contact the website owner and ask for a link, which is very time consuming and more often than not the answer will be an affirmative "no" (if they get back to you at all).

There are 6 ways that are highly effective for obtaining one-way links:

(1)Relevant Forums

There are 100,000's of forums online. People mainly use forums to communicate with one another, but they do serve a practical purpose for Search Engine Optimization. Many of the forums out there have a great page rank due to the fact that there are a lot of sites that link to them and recommend them.

You can take advantage of these forums by posting links to your website/blog on them within your signature (if allowed) and within your actual posts (if allowed). This is a great way to get one way incoming links.

Here is how you approach this method:

  • Do a search in Google for forums within your niche. If you were within the weight loss industry, you would type in "weight loss forum" or "weight loss forums" into Google
  • Scan the results and join any forums related to your industry. Make sure the forums are not private (exclusive of search engines). Also, make sure they allow links within their signatures. Many forums do not allow links within the actual posts, but some will. This is another big plus.
  • Make sure they make their posts public and they have a decent PR (download Google Toolbar to see the PR of sites)
  • Link to your site with linking text of your target keywords. If you were targeting the keyword "weight loss programs" on your website or blog, you would want this to be your linking text within the forum post

In some industries, there are 1,000's of relevant forums. This can be a good way to quickly build your one way links. One last note about forums: AVOID SPAM. Spam will get you kicked out of forums, your posts will be deleted, and you will not be welcome back. Offer value if you are going to make posts.

(2) Getting in the News

This does not necessarily mean big news site, there are a ton of news sites out there that you can comment on and offer relevant content within. Again, spam gets you nowhere. if you don't write with a purpose other than just a promotion, then you are going to be taking a step backwards.

Find relevant news sites or blogs, make a valuable post or comment and drop your link.

(3) Article Submission (writing relevant articles).

Article Submission Tutorial (obtaining relevant backlinks)

(4) Leveraging Social Mediums

Social Bookmarking Tutorial (obtaining relevant backlinks)

(5) Website Directories

There are some larger directories out there that can lead to big bumps in your overall page rank. The top ones include and, but if you do a search, you will find many more. Getting one-way links from this sites can be highly beneficial.

(6) Contacting High PR (Page Rank) Sites

This is the most time consuming and can be the most frustrating. In saying this though, it can prove to be a very valuable way to get the "most" relevant one-way links. Getting links from smaller websites that are super targeted to your website content can lead to improved rankings.

What you want to do is contact the owner of the website with an offer. They will not want to do work (update their site) unless you offer something in return. You can be creative with this, but just make sure you make your offer appealing enough to get at the very least, a response.

To look up websites emails, you can use WhoIs services.

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Good Stuff Carson.
wald Premium
"The 6 Important Ranking Factors" - there are only 5 listed on the Creating Content That Ranks tab as of this date
elizadeen Premium
"The 6 Important Ranking Factors" - there are only 5 listed on the Creating Content That Ranks tab as of this date
Outyonder Premium
Nice intro to SEO!
Ridemx Premium
Nice intro to SEO!