Remember that not every comment that hits your website will be beneficial for your website.
Don't just approve each and every comment that comes your way because more is better. This is not the case.
If a comment is not relevant what is the point in approving it? It adds nothing. Go for it, you can delete it if you want to.
If a comment is badly written, with loads of spelling and bad grammar why approve it? The person writing it certainly couldn't be bothered with taking the time to type properly. I'm not talking here about people that obviously speak another language. I am talking about text type and/or just being sloppy. Geez that gets me big time.
If U cant B bthrd 2 typ pls dont wst UR tym
Sorry not a good example because I never text spell, yes you heard me, not even when I text. I take the time to write things properly at all times.
If someone is keyword stuffing a comment just to get a backlink with their keywords in, don't approve it. This is rude (refer to point 4 in first page).
And just a few more things on commenting.....
I always try and give comments back to people that have commented on my website, and when others ask for comments I will always try my best to give them.However there are some topics I either have no interest in or perhaps I know nothing about, so although I am happy to give comments out I might not be able to give you a QUALITY comment.
If I can't give you a quality comment I won't leave a comment. Please don't be offended by that. It does not reflect on your website at all or on you, it just means that we all have different passions and knowledge. My passions and knowledge won't fit everyone's website, sorry! Same goes for you, don't feel like you have to give me a comment on my website when you find the niche boring and not your thing. That's fine with me!
Now... the give and take thread. It works both ways, if you are wanting to use this feature I suggest you give too.
I don't count how many comments I give out to others. I do go on every day and find a couple of posts I find interesting and leave quality comments where I can. I do this every day just as a matter of routine. When I publish a new post I pop my link in and ask for some comments.
The fact is that a lot of people don't give.
Personally that doesn't affect me because I mostly make use of the site comments feature. However I have seen a lot of people regularly saying that they give and hardly get back.
I still use the thread because I believe it is the WA spirit to do so.
If I stop doing that it will not affect MY website at all because I work my butt off in the site comments to get my comments.
However if everyone stopped giving in the give and take thread it would be a really sad place now wouldn't it?
The WA vibe is awesome, it is a community where everyone helps out the next person, keep this in mind when it comes to commenting too!
If you haven't found the site comment feature yet I suggest you check it out:
Please also check my related training on Site Feedback:
I hope you found some value in my commenting training, please feel free to ask questions and to give me feedback.