Tip 9. Be the Boss

Delegate! You are working at home. You are not just playing some game on your computer. You are working on an additional family income. Involve your spouse and children in the housekeeping. Delegate chores.

Tip 10. YES

Stop saying YES to everybody. Ahh you are working at home, then you can drive the children to an excursion, and you can organize the parent evening at school, and you can flyer for the fanfare. NO, you have work to do. You are working at home! Say NO!

Tip 11. Up to date

You do not have to know everything right away. Schedule some time for your favorite glossy. Or better, make it a reward! When you are a news-guru, 2 times a day watching will be sufficient, the morning and the eight o clock news will keep you up to date.

Do you really need to read all the emails, blogs, newspapers, and magazines that you receive every day?

Tip 12. Smartphone

What'app, sms, FB etc. When you can't leave it alone, put your smartphone into the drawer while you are working.

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Skiponline Premium
some great tips here, I actually had a laugh at the notepad one, I wish I could write in my sleep, it seems the time when I get my best ideas is when I'm just about to fall asleep...and never a pen or a pad nearby... wish I could remember them when I wake up!
Loes Premium
I get ideas driving the car, and I use my recorder, otherwise I really can't remember getting home after shopping.
Chris2005 Premium Plus
Loes as always you are helping your fellow workers. If they follow this list their websites will see fruit much quicker than if they just meander without a daily list and schedule. I think that these are the most important things to a website that makes money.
Thanks for your efforts in helping others.
Loes Premium
My pleasure John:)
Dreamer56 Premium
Great points Loes . There are a few of them Ineed to start working on today. I have a problem with 17.
My desk used to be the dash of my truck and was always covered. Now it appears that habit has followed me into the house.
I have everything in its place , I just don't know where the place is at.
Loes Premium
I use to have a desk like you, but I have changed my habit
dorina62 Premium
Thanks, Loes!Great tips!
Loes Premium
Thank you Dorina, my pleasure
Ivine Premium Plus
Hi Loes, really good advice. Irv.
Loes Premium
Thanks Irv.