Lesson 4: WA Premium Signup

14. As soon as Joe starts “clicking around”, on the top right of ANY page appears an

“Upgrade to Premium” box with the Special Introductory Month offer of $19 (reduced from $49) accompanied by a Timer set for 7 days showing the Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds remaining for the special discount.

15. On the top right-side of the screen under the “Bell” icon, a box called “Look You’ve Got Notifications” automatically appears accompanied by a blue “View Now” button. These are my automated messages for new signups shown as notifications.

Joe clicks on the “View Now” button to read any of his notifications.

He does not yet know that this notification is leading to my "Welcome Message" and will provide even greater closure for Joe in his comfort to be a WA member.

16. Immediately upon clicking “View Now” appears a “My Notifications” box with a message that says “Left you a message on your WA Space profile”, which is MY automated message to Joe.

Joe is intrigued, and immediately clicks the box.

17. After reading my well-constructed detailed automated Welcome Message, Joe realizes that this is not only an a GREAT community, with a HIGHY ORGANIZED structure, and AMAZING DEAL – he also has a PERSONAL MENTOR who is also an AMBASSADOR (and who also writes Awesome Posts!) here within the community in ME.

Joe is now convinced of the unparalleled value he is getting here at WA for the entire package.

Even if he had any prior doubts, the knowledge that he also has a personal mentor here at WA in ME takes his decision “over the edge” and he decides to Go Premium.

18. Joe takes the plunge and clicks on the “Upgrade to Premium” button.”

Fascinating how a stranger surfing the internet can find your WA blog post (provided you write Great content with optimized SEO practices) and sign up as a Premium member, isn’t it?

And Joe’s entire signup process likely didn’t take longer than 90 minutes. This may not always be the case. Perhaps it can take 90 minutes. Or perhaps it may take 7 days. However, what is most important is that you have all of your ideal tools in place to make this conversion happen.

Although you may consider this to be an ideal scenario, it actually is not; this is happening EVERY DAY at WA.

Thanks Ladies and Gents, I hope this training has helped given you a GREATER understanding of how you can get FREE and PREMIUM signups here at WA strictly through your WA Blog posts.



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Anjeri Premium
Great training here, i have been thinking of going this way instead of creating a new WA promoting website since am more interested in niche websites. Will give it a try soon, am dormant on blogs here at WA but will wake up one day.
jetrbby80316 Premium
Hi Anjeri. This is in no way a substitute for creating your own niche website, you should still follow the training and do this. This demonstrates the power of what you can accomplish as far as WA signups even if you only blog on the platform.

Good Luck and always take action!

Anjeri Premium
Hello I think you misunderstood me, I have my niche website and in the process of creating the second one. Am talking of a way to get WA sign ups before I create a WA promoting website.
jetrbby80316 Premium
Ahh, thanks for that clarity, Anjeri:) YES, this is the perfect way!
rjkennedy Premium
Interesting. How did you create the signup 'popup' window?
jetrbby80316 Premium
Hi RJ, I didn't create it. WA created it!

When you search for your own WA blog post (in incognito - read about it in the link I have provided) after 15 seconds when you arrive there (without fail) the signup "popup" window appears.

That's how easy WA has setup the process for signups. But they still need to find you, which is why you need to write compelling content around great keywords.

DBlanchard Premium Plus

WOW!! This is a great training!

It shows everybody, that even a new member that doesn't have the "ambassador" status, that they too can do great things and get referrals just by using the authority that WA has on Google's and other search engines. Along with Jaaxy, like Loes said, anyone can scale up their online business right from here!

I have experienced this myself, I only have 23 blogs here (as of today), but got several referrals through them!

Like you said earlier on your blog post today:
This GREAT PLACE never ceases to AMAZE ME!!

Well, I'm with you on that one! :)

Onward and Upward!

Thank you for your dedication to others here!

jetrbby80316 Premium
Fabulous Denis, you hit the nail right on the head!
Use the authority of the WA platform, it works, I see it, you see it, and some others do as well.

Thanks, and let's keep helping :)

Happy2Learn Premium
Great points Thanks for creating that.
jetrbby80316 Premium
My pleasure Happy!
Loes Premium
Yes, it´s very important to use Jaaxy for your blogs here at WA too
jetrbby80316 Premium
Yes Loes, thank You for your article - That is of extreme utmost importance using Jaaxy to write your blogs!